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  • Tags: 1963

Photographs of Ira D. Leech
Photographs of Ira D. Leech; died November 20, 1963. Served in World War I and returned to Decatur to become a member of the Fire Department in 1920. After working for a year as a hoseman, he was briefly laid off in 1921, but returned in 1922 as a…

Photos of Walgreen Drug Store
Photograph of the Walgreen Drug Store located at 215 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL. White Dental Clinic was upstairs. Photographs of the Walgreen Drug Store located at 260 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.

1963 Eisenhower High School Pantherama

This is the 1963 Eisenhower High School Pantherama yearbook.

1963 MacArthur High School Cadet

This is the 1963 MacArthur High School Cadet yearbook.

1963 Lakeview High School Dorian

This is the 1963 Lakeview High School Dorian yearbook.