Browse Items (89 total)
- Tags: 1977
League of Women Voters - Publications - Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County - 1977
Tags: 1977, addresses, Administrative Boards, Boards and Commissions of Decatur, Committees and Chairpersons of the County Board, Community Mental Health, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Conservation District, Decatur City Plan Commission, Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Decatur Park District, Decatur Public Library, Decatur School District #61, Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County, Human Relations Commission, Intergovernmental cooperation and County modernization commission, Judiciary, League of Women Voters, Macon County Board, Macon County Health Department, Macon County Offices, Mosquito abatement district, names, National government, Officials appointed by the County board, phone numbers, publications, Regional planning commission, Richland Community College, Sanitary District, Special District, State Government, Township officials, Zoning Board of appeals
League of Women Voters - Projects - Court Watching - Packet - 1977
Tags: 1977, court watching, Crime, Daily Summary Sheet, Evaluation of Facilities and Personnel, For the Sake of Justice, Instructions for completing Tabulator's Worksheet, Instructions for filling out Report Forms, Keeping an Eye on the Courts, League of Women Voters, Mini Projects, packet, Project Summary, projects, Sample
League of Women Voters - Illinois Court Watching - Project - Committee Members - 1977
League Of Women Voters - Illinois Court Watching - Project - 1977
Tags: 1977, Announcing Project to Community, Background Information, Bill S.1437, brochures, Court Watching Mini-Projects and Timetable, ERA Necklace form, Expenses, Felony Court Watching Minutes, Handout, How to File a Lawsuit, Illinois Court Watching, Instructions for filling out forms, Introducing Project to Court Officials, League of Women Voters, Making Recommendations to Court, Memos, Negotiating with Court Officials, projects, Putting Committee to Work, Quiz questions, Recruiting Volunteers, Reporting to Community, Samples, Setting Up Committee, Steering Committee Members, Steering Committee Minutes, Summary Sheet, Tabulating Data
League of Women Voters - Projects - Macon County Comprehensive Emergency Service - Domestic Violence - 1977
Tags: 1977, Achievements, Advisory Committee, Authority or Power, Change Group, characteristics, Components, Comprehensive Emergency Service, Current Arrangement, domestic violence, Function of Sub-committees, League of Women Voters, Long Range Role, Macon County, Membership, projects, Responsibility, Services available in Macon County, statistical data, survey, Survey of Needs
League of Women Voters - Projects - Decatur Court Watching Project - 1977
Tags: 1977, Auxiliary Personnel, Basic Information Form, Clerks and Bailiffs, Committee Recommendations, Court Watching Committee, Decatur Court Watching Project, Delay and Dismissals, Informational and Service Facilities, Judges, Judges Comments, League of Women Voters, Overall Appearance of Justice Information and Service Facilities, Overall Impression of the Court, Physical Facilities, Physical Facilities and Audibility, Procedures, Project, State's Attorneys
League of Women Voters - Projects - CWP - Report of Macon County Court Watching Project - 1977
Tags: 1977, Appearance of Fairness, Appendix, Audibility Procedures, Auxiliary Personnel, Bailiffs, Basic Information, calendars, Clerks, comments, Conference Space, Continuances, Courtroom Control, CWP, Detailed Report Findings, Dismissals, Final Confidential Report, Finding the Courtroom, Forms, Getting Information, Helpfulness, Informational and Service Facilities, Interpreters, Judges, Judges Admonishments, Karen Jensen, League of Women Voters, Monitor Profile, Notes on Courtroom visits, Noteworthy Aspects, Overall Impression of the Court, Overall Impressions, Patience and Courtesy, Patrick Walsh State's Attorney Correspondence, Physical Facilities, Posting Rights, Procedures, Project, Project Summary, projects, Promptness, Recommendations and Responses, Report of Macon County Court Watching, Rough Draft Recommendations, Sample Data Collection Forms, Seating, Steering Committee List, Witness Accommodations
Photographs of Exterior Decatur High School
Photo of South West Exterior Winter Time
Photos of Exterior Decatur High School
Photos of Decatur High School Looking From Franklin St.
School was built in 1911 and demolished in 1977.
Mrs. Marie G. Baker's Oral History
Tags: 1977, 4-year scholarship, A.H. Mills, A.M.E. Church, African Methodist Church, Betty Turnell, brother, C.L. Livingston, childhood, College Street Chapel, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, discrimination, Dr. Ellis, Edward Jacobs, family life, First Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, housing discrimination, Howard Shaw, Howard University, Huron Place, injunction, interview, James Millikin University, job discrimination, John Reagan, Lake Decatur, Lincoln School, March 1977, Marie G. Baker, Marietta Street School, Mary White Ollington, Mrs. Buster, Mrs. Eugenia Bacon, Murfield Storey, N. Union St., NAACP, National Civil Rights Law, national meetings, Niagara movement, oral history, Pennsylvania line, Physician's and Surgeon's College, Pugh School, race discrimination, Railway Postal Service, recording, Rev. E.M. Antrim, San Tucker, Singleton's Restaurant, Springfield Race Riots, swimming beach, swimming pools, truck garden, Warren Hardy, William English Walling
John Day's Oral History
Tags: "The Cannon Ball", 1977, automobile factory, bass drum, Betty Turnell, Bluebird, Canada, Canadian National Railroad, Cannon Ball, cement company, Charlie Cunningham, Decatur IL, Douglas Air Craft, Dr. Barnardo's Homes, farm work, farming, Feltwell England, Foreman, freemason, Grand Truck Railroad, Holmes Foundry, homestead farm, Imperial Oil Refinery, Infants' School, Inglewood Ontario, interview, John Day, London England, Marysville MI, Mason, Montreal Quebec, Music, National Guard, Norfolk County, November 1977, oral history, orphanage, paint shop, painter, painting, passenger trains, personnel, physical abuse, pigiron, Poetry, Port Huron MI, recording, retirement, round house, Sarnia Ontario, Steam Engines, tannery, The Great Lakes Navigation, Toronto Ontario, travelling, Tunbridge Wells England, visit to England, Wabash Railroad, Wills-St. Clair car, World War II