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Notice of Special Meeting - October 23, 1970
This is the notice of a special board meeting on October 23, 1970.
Annual Report Memo - May 14, 1970
This is the annual report memo from the Board of Trustees to the Mayor and City Council of Decatur, IL. This memo was written on May 14, 1970.
Bid Resolution - September 11, 1970
This is the bid resolution to sale the Carnegie Library, dated September 11, 1970.
Estimated Revenue - 1970-1971
This is the estimated revenue for 1970-1971
Resolution - George A. Albers
This resolution was presented to George A. Albers on July 17, 1970.
Resolution - Edward B. Freyfogle
This resolution was given by the Board of Directors to Edward B. Freyfogle when he resigned from the board.
Board of Directors Meeting - April 16, 1971
This is the minutes and agenda of the meeting of the Board of Directors on April 16, 1971. At this meeting, the Board discussed the traffic island in front of the North St. Building, the accepted bid from Decatur Window Cleaning Co. for janitorialā¦
Board of Directors Meeting - August 13, 1971
This is the minutes and agenda of the meeting of the Board of Directors on August 13, 1971. At this meeting, the Board discussed insurance appraisals for the new building, and the new coin-operated copy machine in the Reference department.
Board of Directors Meeting - December 17, 1971
This is the agenda and minutes of the Board of Directors meeting on December 17, 1971. At this meeting, the Board discussed a possible partnership with Maconland Junior College and the insurance appraisal for the North St. Building,
Board of Directors Meeting - February 12, 1971
This is the agenda and minutes of the Board of Directors meeting on February 12, 1971. At this meeting, the Board discussed the continuing issues with the City Computer Center, the money earned from the library auction, the artwork purchased for theā¦