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- Tags: 1970
League of Women Voters - Programs - Candidate Meeting - 1947, 1958, 1966, 1970, and 1971
Tags: 1947, 1958, 1966, 1970, 1971, Candidate Meeting, Candidates Meeting for Primary Election, Compare the Candidates, correspondence, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Information about Candidates, League of Women Voters, Meet the City Candidates, Meet the Constitutional Convention Candidates, Programs, Questionnaire Congressional Candidates, Questionnaire General Assembly Candidates, Quiz the School Board Candidates, Reply of Senate Candidates to Questions, Rick Meyer
League of Women Voters - Projects - Constitutional Convention - 1970
Tags: 1970, Address to people, Adoption schedule, Constitution proposal, Constitutional Convention, Constitutional revision article XIV, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Delegates to the 6th Illinois constitutional convention, Education article X, Environment article XI, Executive article V, Finance article VIII, General provisions article XIII, Judiciary article VI, League of Women Voters, Legislature article IV, Local government article VII, Militia article XII, Preamble Bill of rights article I, projects, Revenue article IX, Rick Meyer, Sample ballot, Suffrage and elections article III, The power of the state article II, Transition schedule
League of Women Voters - Projects - Constitutional Convention - Part 4
Tags: 1970, 1B information, 2B committee for better courts in Illinois, Champaign newsletter, Citizens Committee for the new constitution, Commission for the study of constitutional revision, Con Con Blue ballot information, Consensus questions on apportionment, Constitution Part 4, Constitutional reform of the legislature, Constitutional revision for judicial reform, Constitutional revision in Illinois, Convention handout, correspondence, Endorsing Organizations for new constitution, Fact sheet on constitutional convention, Home rule and the local official, Illinois constitutional dilemma, League of Women Voters, League's magnificent record handout, Letters to editor, Merit plan for selection of all judges, Methods of amending our state constitution, Option 1-B, projects, Suggested short letters on Con Con, Vote for Illinois handout, Vote Yes handout
League of Women Voters - Projects - 1970 Constitution - Part 3
Tags: 1970, A suggested editorial on single member districts, A suggested editorial on the Illinois plan for selection of judges, Annual Sessions brochure, Change on second reading at Con Con, Committee for modern courts bulletin, Consensus questions on the executive, Constitution Part 3, Convention roll call, correspondence, Facts about proposition 2B, Illinois Voter brochure Correspondence, League of Women Voters, Members of the Illinois constitutional convention 1969, newspaper articles, Organizing a community in support of the proposed Illinois constitution, projects, Questions and answers about the proposed 1970 Illinois constitution, Sample blue ballot, Single member districts for election of members of the house, Sixth Illinois constitutional convention proposed article on legislature, State of revenue to public hearing of the constitutional convention, Statement of cumulative voting to the legislative committee of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement of position on appointment to the legislative committee of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement of position on the amending process, Statement of position on the executive, Statement of the general government committee of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement on amendment process to the committee on amending and suffrage of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement on bill of rights to public hearing of constitutional convention, Statement on judicial article to the committee on judiciary of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement on legislature to the legislative committee of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement on revenue to the committee on revenue of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement on the executive to the executive committee of the Illinois constitutional convention, Statement on the suffrage article to the amending and suffrage committee of the Illinois constitutional convention, Suffrage brochure, Suffrage consensus questions, The amendment process brochure, The Blue ballot amendment of the revenue article for elimination of personal property tax on individuals, The Illinois plan for merit selection of judges, What is a constitution brochure
League of Women Voters - Projects - 1970 Constitution - Part 2
Tags: 1970, Calendar, Con Con and the Unions, Constitution Part 2, De Paul Law Review - Shape of the Illinois Constitution, Delegate Selection Study, election laws, League of Women Voters, Legislation Platform of Illinois PTA, members, Memos to Con Con Chairmen, newspaper articles, Pre-Convention Information, Press Releases, Procedure Issues, Progress Report on Study Commission, projects, Questions and Answers on the convention, Statement of support, Talking Con Con to Businessmen and Men's Groups, Talking Con Con to Church Groups, Talking con Con to Labor Groups, Talking Con Con to Non-Urban Groups, Talking con con to Welfare and Mental Health Groups, The Big Ten Role of the People, The Executive Timetable
Photos of Spudnuts Building on N. Water St.
Tags: 1269 N. Edwards, 1958, 1970, 2779 N. Water, BS2147, BS2147A, building, Business, Cecil A. Lowder, Decatur IL., Donuts, Spudnuts
League of Women Voters - Projects - Consensus - Junior College - 1970
Photos of Decatur Milling Co.
Tags: 1970, BS1052, BS1053, Business, Decatur IL., Decatur Milling Co., fire, Grain, Milling, Milling Employees