Browse Items (8620 total)
League of Women Voters - board meeting - annual meeting - March 1960
Tags: Annual Meeting, board meeting, budget, by-laws, Candidates meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Champaign League, coffee, Constitution committee workshop, League of Women Voters, local programs, mintues, Mrs. Colvis, Mrs. Cresswell, Mrs. Doubleday, no quorum, nominating committee, public library - revenue study, Rexall Drugs, School District, sewer system, slate accepted, tax question, treasurer's report, Urban renewal, water reserves, Welcome brochure, YMCA
League of Women Voters - board meeting - February 1960
Tags: Area traffic safety, board meeting, budget committee, by-laws, Election laws workshop, February coffees, League of Women Voters, local agenda committee, Minutes, Mr. Springer, Mrs. E. J. Cresswell, Mrs. Neal Doubleday president, National agenda suspended, National security seminar, nominating committee, Public Health, Urban renewal, Welcome brochure
League of Women Voters - board meeting - January 1960
Tags: "How a bill becomes a law", board meeting, by-laws, Candidates telecast, election laws, League of Women Voters, Luncheon, Minutes, Miss Outdoor, Mrs. E. J. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. L. L. Colvis president, National security seminar, Newcomer information folder, Revenue workshop, state league, treasurer's report, Unit Meeting, Urban renewal, YMCA
League of Women Voters - board meeting - December 1959
League of Women Voters - board meeting - October and November 1959
Tags: board meeting, Ellis Arnold, Goals in the Macon County Booklet, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mr. Dever, Mr. E. J. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. L.L. Colvis president resigns, Planning Committee, school board referendum, State constitutional convention, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Water committee, World Economic Development
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - September 1959
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1959
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - May 1959
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - April 1959
Tags: April unit meetings, board meeting, Board Members, Candidates' questions, Herald and Review public relations, League of Women Voters, legislative school, Minutes, Mrs. E. J. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. L. L. Colvis president, Nancy Norman program, state convention, treasure's report, WDZ public relations
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting and annual meeting - March 1959
Tags: Annual Meeting, Aspects of the league, board meeting, Finance Report, Foreign Policy, League of Women Voters, Local agenda report, Luncheon, Minutes, monthly meeting, Mrs. Colvis president, Mrs. E. J. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. John Donovan speaker, nominating committee, Slate of Officer approved, state convention, treasurer's report, unit meetings