Browse Items (8620 total)
League of Women Voters - Monthly Board Meeting - Annual Meeting - March 1954
Tags: Annual Meeting, board meeting, bylaw changes, Candidates meeting, Council Manager Government, Decatur IL, Evelyn McKay secretary, Finance Report, fluoridation of water, Illinois statues, Illinois voters handbook, League of Women Voters, Letter to Editor, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, national agenda items, platform, school finance issue, sewer issue, slate of officers, treasurer's report, welfare item, withdrawal of local project
League of Women Voters - January and February 1954 - board meeting
Tags: by-laws, Committee Reports, convention reports, Council of Social Justice, Crusade for Freedom Program, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Evelyn MacKay secretary, Finance Drive, home rule study, League of Women Voters, league platform, Listen Ladies Radio Program, local agendas, membership study, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, National, nominating committee, proposed budget, proposed slate of officers, treasurer's report, unit meetings, welfare in Macon County
League of Women Voters - December 1953 - Board Meeting
League of Women Voters - November 1953 - Board Meeting
Tags: "Three Years of Faith and Work", board meeting, Chicago Conference, Chicago Meeting, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Evelyn MacKay secretary, expenses and recommendations, Farm problems, Finance Drive, international trade, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. John Donavan president, national agenda, School Board Changes, treasurer's report, unit meetings, World Trade
League of Women Voters - October 1953 - Board Meeting
Tags: board meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Meeting, Civil Liberties Committee, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Evelyn MacKay secretary, Finance Drive, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, National President, s School Board Committee, school board referendum, treasurer's report, United Nation's Day record, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - September 1953 - Board Meeting and Special Meeting
Tags: board meeting, Civil Liberties meeting, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, equality of employment, Evelyn MacKay secretary, Finance Drive, League of Women Voters, local projects, Minutes, morning and evening meetings, Mrs. John Donovan president, questionnaire, school board referendum, Sen. Elbert, September luncheon, Special Meeting, state board, study programs advertised, treasurer's report, voter's services only
League of Women Voters - June 1953 - Board Meeting
Tags: board meeting, congratulation letter, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Equality of Employment Opportunity bill, Evelyn Mac Kay secretary, League of Women Voters, membership and orientation, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, Reciprocal Trade Agreement, rewrite by laws, sewer vote results, state house bill 861, treasurer's report, United Nations, welfare committee
League of Women Voters - May 1953 - Board Meeting
Tags: "Call to Action", AAUW, absentee ballots, board meeting, Broyles Bills, Chicago State Convention, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Evelyn MacKay secretary, Judicial article, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, Red Cross, Sewer Education Program, state president, treasurer's report, unit meetings, yearly agendas
League of Women Voters - April 1953 - Board Meeting
League of Women Voters - March 1953 - Board Meeting - Annual Meeting
Tags: amendments, annual business meeting, Annual Meeting, annual reports of committees in March Bulletin, budget committee, budgetary procedure, by laws, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Decatur Public Schools, Elizabeth Lupton secretary, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. Clifford Smith president, officers introduction, sewer problem, slate of officers, tax structure, treasurer's report, unit meetings, yearly agenda ideas