Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: election laws
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - February 1981
Tags: Agenda, amendments, Barbara Brown president, board meeting, Bob Sampson, brunch meetings, child welfare, Communications, constitutional implementation, convention, criminal justice, domestic violence, election laws, Finance, fiscal policies, land usage, League of Women Voters, Mary Coberly secretary., Membership, Minutes, Program, reports, school finance, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - Annual Meeting - March 1971
Tags: ad hoc committee, agendas, announcements, Annual Meeting, board meeting, budgets, Decatur voter, election laws, Election of Officers, environmental quality, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, Local Program, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. J. W. Coberly secretary, Mrs. Robert Shade president, new business, Organization, Public Relations, special reports, treasurer's reports, US congress
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - January 1971
Tags: Agenda, announcements, budget, Decatur voter, election laws, environmental quality, Finance, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. J. W. Coberly secretary, Mrs. Robert Shade president, new business, Organization, Programs, Public Relations, publications, publicity, state program, treasurer's report, units, US congress, Voter services
League of Women Votes - March 1961 - Board Meeting
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1960
League of Women Voters - board meeting - January 1960
Tags: "How a bill becomes a law", board meeting, by-laws, Candidates telecast, election laws, League of Women Voters, Luncheon, Minutes, Miss Outdoor, Mrs. E. J. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. L. L. Colvis president, National security seminar, Newcomer information folder, Revenue workshop, state league, treasurer's report, Unit Meeting, Urban renewal, YMCA
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - December 1958
League of Women Voters - monthly meeting - annual meeting - March 1955
Tags: board evaluation questions, Broyles Bills, by laws, Candidates meeting, Champaign League, committee chairs, election laws, Financial report, freedom agenda, League of Women Voters, League pledges, legislative school, membership cards, Minutes, Mrs. C. F. Gebhardt secretary, Mrs. H. W. Gibson president, officers, Platform changes, proposed budget vote, school finance problems, trade survey, treasurer's report, unit meetings, yearly agendas