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Photo of Lt. Vincent Leo Levora in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Levora, Lt. Vincent Leo; "Wife to Get Posthumous Award to Lt. Levora, Mrs. Vincent Leo Levora, the former Virginia Ulbrich, of 1053 West Macon street, will receive the distinguished Flying Cross, posthumously awarded her…

Photo of Lt. Velera Matson in uniform seated in chair
Herald and Review Library: Matson, Lt. Velera; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. Velera Matson, Army nurse, is home from Africa. she arrived on the A..idia Jan. 5, after four months of nursing duty in the hospital tents over there. On Wednesday…

Photo of Lt. Thomas W. Head in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Head, Lt. Thomas W. Article on back of photo: "Two Decatur soldiers have been graduated from the officer candidate school of the transportation corps, according to word from the New Orleans army air base in Louisiana.…

Photo of Lt. Stewart R. Lauer in flight uniform standing in front of airplane
Herald and Review Library: Lauer, Lt. Stewart R., Information on back of photo; "Marine Pilot---First Lieutenant Stewart R. Lauer, 25, of 844 West Waggoner street, Decatur, IL., pilot of a Mitchell Bomber. Lt. Lauer received severe head wounds from…

Photo of Lt. S. Everett Wilson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Lt. S. Everett; Article on back of photo; "After a year in the Pacific war theater, Lieut. S. Everett Wilson of the navy; former Decatur attorney, has come home on leave with an optimistic view on the Jap war. He…

Photo of Lt. Ruth Worsdell in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Worsdell, Lt. Ruth; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. Worsdell Visits Parents; Lieut Ruth Worsdell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, 815 East Cantrell street, is spending a short leave in Decatur. Lieutenant Worsdell,…

Photo of Lt. Robert Weiner in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Weiner, Lt. Robert; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. Robert Weiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Weiner, 124 West Marietta street, spent a four-day furlough with his parents last week as he was on his way to Independence,…

Photo of Lt. Robert McEuen in uniform standing in front of airplane with hand on propeller
Herald and Review Library: McEuen, Lt. Robert; Article on back of photo; "Lt. robert McEuen, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Olson, Decatur, serves with a group which flies war material to ground forces in France and returns with American wounded to be…

Photo of Lt. Robert J. Henry in uniform with name tag
Herald and Review Library: Henry, Lt. Robert J.; Article on back of photo; "Lt. Robert Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Henry, rural route 6, recently received his silver pilot's wings and commission as a second lieutenant in the army air forces,…

Photo of Lt. Robert E. Cobb in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cobb, Lt. Robert E., 6/5/1942. Article on back of photo: "Lieut. Robert E. Cobb, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cobb, 431 W. Main St., recently graduated from officer's training school in Fort Knox, Ky., and will be…