Browse Items (8629 total)
Staff List - July 1976
Board of Directors Meeting - April 21, 1977
Board of Directors Meeting - December 15, 1977
Board of Directors Meeting - February 17, 1977
Board of Directors Meeting - January 20, 1977
Tags: "Santa's Magic Hat", "The Search for the Nile", 1977, Agenda, AV collection, basement lighting project, bicentennial film series, Blank & Wesselink, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bridges endowment, Decatur IL, Decatur Macon County Opportunities Corporation, Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur Public Library, DMH, Evans Branch, folklore magic, indexing, January 1977, Lease, library service, Local History Room, Meeting, Minutes, North St Building, puppet show, Robert Dumas, storytelling show, WAND
Board of Directors Meeting - June 16, 1977
Board of Directors Meeting - March 17, 1977
Tags: 1977, Agenda, basement lighting project, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bodine Electric of Decatur, City Data Processing Center, CLSI system, convex mirror, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Don Wood, March 1977, Meeting, Minutes, Mr. Ewick, Mr. Puricelli, newspaper indexing project, North St. building, Robert Dumas, Rolling Prairie Library System, shut-in service