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  • Tags: employees

Photos of Various Business Offices.

Photograph of Business Manager Office 1895. Photograph of Editor's Office 1895. Photograph Employees 1890. Photograph of General Manager's Office 1913. Photograph of Engine Room 1895 with employee. Photograph of Engraving Room 1913, with employee.

Photos of WTVP/WAND Employees

BDS2491-Announcer and Camera_WTVP_1960_096.jpg
Photograph of WTVP announcer. Photograph of four students being interviewed. Photographs of employees performing duties. Photograph of a group being interviewed.

Photo of White Front Grocery & Market Interior

Photograph of the White Front Grocery and Market interior. Grocery was located at 539 N. Water St., and owned by John S. Dey.

Photos of Employees U. S. Signal Depot

BS2401-signal depot employees 1940s.jpg
Photographs of U. S. Army Signal Depot. Group photograph of Army Group. Photograph of employees loading a truck with furniture. Photo of employees sitting at desks in an empty warehouse. Photograph of man operating a machine. Photographs of guard…

Photos of People Working at a Teletype Machine.

Photographs of man and woman seated at a teletype machine. Photograph of a teletype machine. Photograph of man working with a machine.