Browse Items (74 total)
- Tags: 1976
League of Women Voters - Programs - Observing Local Government - 1976
Tags: 1976, correspondence, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Introduction letter to various boards, League of Women Voters, Letter announcing observer, Observer report form, Observers summary report, Observing Local Government, Programs, Suggested instructions for observers, Tips for observer program chairmen
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Court Watching Project - Steps for Committees - 1976
Tags: 1976, Announcing Project to Community, Develop Data Collection Forms, Distributing and Collecting Forms, Illinois Court Watching, Introducing the Project to Court Officials, League of Women Voters, Look and Plan before you Leap, Making Recommendations for Court Improvements, Negotiating with Court Officials, projects, Putting the Committee to Work, Recruiting Volunteers, Reporting to Your Community, Scheduling Monitors, Setting up the Committee, Steps for Committees, Tabulating Data, Training the Monitors
League of Women Voters - Projects - Consensus Project - International Relations - 1976
Tags: 1976, Agreement and Consensus on the United Nations, Consensus Project, International Monetary Fund, International Relations, International Relations Consensus Questions and Answers, League of Women Voters, projects, Proposals for Changing the UN, Rough Draft and Notes, The Third World Coalition, UN Charter Fact Sheet, World Bank Group
League of Women Voters - Projects - Consensus Project - Child Welfare - 1976
Tags: 1976, 2, and 3, Areas of Mental Health Services for Decatur Children, attendance, child welfare, Consensus Project, DCFS, Delinquency Prevention, Department of Corrections, Development of Resources, Historical Background of Services to Youth, Illinois Law Enforcement Commission, Juvenile Division, League of Women Voters, Level of Services, News, Part 1, Planning, projects, Protective Services, Resource Committee, The Child and The Court
Photos of the Construction of Hickory Point Mall - Aerial Views
Tags: 1976, 8/19/1978, Aerial Views, BS1549, BS1550, BS1551, BS1552, BS1553, BS1554, BS1555, Business, Construction, Forsyth IL., Hickory Point Mall, Macon County IL.
Photos of ADM Equipment, Aerial Views, Trucks With Grain waiting to unload.
Photos of Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Martha A. Montgomery's Oral History
Tags: 1976, Anacostia, Austin Township, Betty Turnell, civilian rehabilitation work, counseling work, Decatur Genealogical Society, Decatur High School, dispatch, early life, family history, Great Depression, Illinois State Genealogical Society, Illinois State University, inventory, Jacksonville FL, James Renshaw, Kenney High School, Lakeview High School, Latin, letter, Macon County Historical Society, Macy's Department Store, Maroa IL, Martha A. Montgomery, Mt. Holyoke College, Naval Air Station, New York City, November 1976, Oak Park High School, oral history, Parson's School of Design, Polywog, Public Works, recording, salaries, San Diego CA, U.S. Navy, University of Illinois, University of Indiana, Washington D.C., WAVES, Wood School, World War II, WWII