Browse Items (8634 total)

Personnel Policy and Pubic Relations meeting - October 2014 - agenda

This is the agenda of the Personnel Policy and Public Relations committee meeting in October of 2014. Items discussed were trustee by-laws, exempt vs. non-exempt job classifications, collection development policy.

Finance and Properties meeting - October 2014 - agenda, updated agenda, and minutes

These are the minutes, agenda and updated agenda of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in October 2014. Items discussed were check register, budget review, Decatur Public Building commission of Macon County in close session, per capita…

Personnel Policy and Public Relations committee meeting - November 2014 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the personnel policy and public relations of November 2014. Items discussed were library user guidelines, library security policy, process for removing patron's library privileges, strategic planning committee,…

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - November 2014 - minutes

These are the minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in November 2014. Items discussed were check register, budget review, close session concerning Decatur Public Building commission of Macon County, legal counsel for library

Personnel Policy and Public Relations - meeting - May 2014 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the personnel policy and public relations committee meeting in May 2014. Items discussed were evaluation of city librarian, city librarian's transition team, roll over of vacation times, budget timeline, dangerous…

Finance and Properties meeting - May 2014 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in May 2014. Items discussed were check register, budget review, raises for resigned employees, library lease contract, local history room space, budget goals 2015,…