Browse Items (8659 total)

Photo of Corp. Chester Tooley in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Tooley, Cpl. Chester; Article on back of photo; "Tooley on Furlough; Corp. Chester Tooley, recently transferred to Camp Campbell, Ky., from Camp Gordon, Ga., is home on a 6-day furlough to visit his wife and daughter at…

Photo of Corp. Arnold Kopetz in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Kopetz, Corp. Arnold; Article on back of photo; "With the Colors, Corporal Kopetz On Furlough; Corp. Arnold Kopetz, son of Mrs. Mary Kopetz, 1136 East Leafland avenue, is here on furlough from Peterson army air field,…

Photo of corner where Millikin National Bank once stood.
Photograph taken at the corner of E. Main and N. Water Streets where Millikin National Bank once stood. Photo taken Aug. 1996.

Photo of Cora Jane Wasson, fourth from the left, with six other WAVES standing in front of a building in Hawaii
Herald and Review Library: Wasson, Cora Jane; Article on back of photo; "Local WAVE Stationed In Hawaii; These seven WAVES from Illinois, have reported for duty in the Hawaiian Islands. They are, from left; Miss Caroline H. Musser, storekeeper,…

Photo of Cooper Oldsmobile Co. Building and some Automobiles.

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Photograph of the Cooper Oldsmobile Co. Building located at 126 N. Franklin Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Conrad Striewing, proprietor of the Crystal Theater.
Photograph of Conrad Striewing; (died 5/30/1914). Proprietor of the Crystal Theater on Water Street. For many years he was a traveling salesman but later he purchased the theater. It was called the Nasawan but he changed the name to the Crystal. It…

Photo of Conklin Bakery Delivery Truck

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Photograph of Conklin Bakery Delivery Truck. Conklin Bakery was located on the corner of Green and N. Main Streets. Later the building housed the Purity Baking Co.

Photo of Compulsory Military Training, Macon County, IL. draftees standing on steps of a building
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Group of Military Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Older men, those between 28 and 35 years of age formerly classified as 1-H, were predominant in the large group of selectees scheduled to leave here at 4:30…

Photo of Compulsory Military Training Macon County Draftees Group standing on Court House steps
Herald and Review Photo: Compulsory Military Training Macon County Draftees standing on Court House Steps; Article on back of photo; "This group of selectees were scheduled to leave the city for Peoria medical examination center and induction into…