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Photos of Crane Potato Chips Advertisements

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Photographs of Crane Potato Chips Advertisements on in Local History.

Aerial Photos of ADM Construction and Truck Waiting to Unload Grain.

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Aerial photographs of Archer Daniels Midland construction. Photo of railway cars at the ADM plant. Photograph of farm trucks waiting line to unload grain.

Photos A. W. Cash Valve Manufacturing

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Photograph of A. W. Cash. Group photo of A. W. Cash Engineers and Machinist. Photos of A. W. Cash WWII wartime products. Photograph of A. W. Cash Building 666 E. Wabash Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photos of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs.

Photographs of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs. Seated L-R Maj. Grandville Gray, Jr., War dept. Chemical warfare service, and Maj. Irving Salmon, War Dept. Washington, D. C. Standing L-R Lt. Richard Morey, Lt. William Laverty, Lt. C. T.…

Aerial Photos of the U. S. Army Signal Depot and Ground Level

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Aerial photographs of the U. S. Army Signal Depot and ground level, located on N. 22nd St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of the Staley Pump House Exterior and Interior

Photograph of the Staley Pump House with Staley Manufacturing and Office Building in the distance. Photograph of the Staley Pump House at lake level. Photograph of the Staley Pump House Light up at night. Photograph of the Pump House Interior.