Browse Items (170 total)
- Tags: Manufacturing
Photos of Crane Potato Chips Advertisements
Aerial Photos of ADM Construction and Truck Waiting to Unload Grain.
Tags: ADM, Aerial View, Archer Daniels Midland, BS2405, BS2501, BS2502, BS2503, BS2505, BS2506, Business, Construction, Farm Truck, Grain, Manufacturing, processing, Railway Cars
Photos A. W. Cash Valve Manufacturing
Photos of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs.
Aerial Photos of the U. S. Army Signal Depot and Ground Level
Tags: BS2391, BS2392, BS2393, BS2394, BS2395, BS2396, BS2397, BS2398, BS2399, BS2400, Buildings, Business, Decatur IL., Manufacturing, Military, N. 22nd St., U. S. Army Depot
Photos from Taylor Pharmaceutical
Tags: 3/4/1954, BS2339, BS2340, BS2341, BS2342, BS2343, BS2344, BS2345, BS2346, BS2347, BS2348, Business, Decatur IL., drugs, employees, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Taylor Pharmaceutical
Photos of Standard Oil Co. Employees, New Construction, Farm Delivery, and Aerial View.
Photos of the Standard Oil Building, and Employees
Tags: 2/3/1958, 4/30/1953, BS2307, BS2308, BS2309, BS2310, BS2311, BS2312, BS2313, building, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., employees, Manufacturing, Petroleum Products, Plant, Standard Oil