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Photograph of Rev. James Walton McDonald
Photograph of Rev. James Walton McDonald. (born 1869; died 6/16/1951) Presbyterian pastor in Decatur 23 years, leaving in 1923 for Kansas City, MO. Came to Decatur in 1901 from Logansport, IN. First pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church,…

Photograph of Reverend W. L. Staub
Photograph of Rev. W. L. Staub. Former pastor Westminster Presbyterian church in Decatur, 1908-1912. First pastor of this church after its organization October 1908. Left Decatur for pastorate in Duluth, Minnesota. (Information from clips- no other…

Photo of Rev. Elisha Safford
Photograph of Rev. Elisha Safford; (died 3/5/1948). Former pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Decatur. He became pastor in Decatur in 1912 and while he was here the present Westminster church building was constructed. He left Decatur…

Photos of Westminster Presbyterian Church
Photographs of the Exterior and Interior of Westminster Presbyterian Church located at 1360 West Main Street, Decatur, IL..

Photo of Rev. W. H. Prestley
Photograph of Rev. W. H. Prestley; (died 5/7/1914). Pastor of the Presbyterian church in Decatur for 13 years. He came to the church in Decatur in 1876. After leaving Decatur in 1890 he went to Kankakee and remained there until 1897, when he went to…

Photograph of William Hitt Penhallegon
Photograph of Rev. William Hitt Penhallegon, (born in Wales, came to America in 1870, died 10/22/1926). Pastor of First Presbyterian Church from 1890's to 1915. For more information see the Decatur Daily Review; 10/23/1926.