Browse Items (342 total)
- Tags: City Librarian's Report
Board of Trustees - April 2024 - monthly meeting - agenda - packet - minutes - reports
Tags: Agenda, April 2024, April projection, Art and artifacts acquisition and display policy, Board of Trustees, budget actuals, Check and Register and Vendor report, City Librarian's Report, DCEO grant, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DEI committee report, Division Head Reports, Donation of furniture, Finance and Properties, Foundation, Friends of the Library, Furniture bid, Illinois Heartland Library System, meeting room policy, Minutes, monthly meeting reports, Open Trustee seats, personnel properties and public relations, Rick Meyer, Security costs
Board of Trustees - November 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet
Tags: Agenda, appointment of PPPR chair, Board of Trustees, budget actuals and projections, capital needs and projects, check register and vendor report, child abuse and neglect reporting policy, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December meeting schedule, department heads' reports, diversity equity and inclusion, election of vice president, Finance and Properties, Friends of the Library, Illinois Heartland Library System, Illinois Library Association annual conference report, local history use of room policy, Minutes, monthly meeting, November 2023, open trustees seats, personnel policy and public relations, personnel update, reports, Rick Meyer, Serving Our Public 4.0, volunteer policy
Board of Trustees - December 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet - NO Quorum - no voting on issues
Tags: acquisition of art, actuals and projections, Agenda, appointment of PPPR chair, Board of Trustees, budget actions and projections, capital needs and projects, check register, check register and vendor report, child abuse policy, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 2023, December meeting schedule, department heads' reports, diversity equity and inclusion, election of VP, Illinois Heartland Library System, Illinois Library Association Annual Conference, Local History Room policy, Minutes, monthly agenda, personnel policy and public relations, reports, resolution to move unexpended funds, Revenue, Rick Meyer, selecting of marketing form, Serving Our Public, trustee's seat, volunteer policy
Board of Trustees - November 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet
Tags: Agenda, appointment of Personnel Policy and Public Relations chair, Board of Trustees, budget actuals and projections, Budget Report, capital needs and projections, check register and vendor report, child abuse and neglect reporting policy, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, department heads' reports, diversity equity and inclusion, election of vice president, Finance and Properties, Friends meeting, Illinois Heartland Library System, Illinois Library Association annual conference report, local history use of room policy, Minutes, monthly agenda, November 2023, open trustees seats, other stats, personnel policy and public relations, personnel update, reports, revenue operating, Rick Meyer, volunteer policy
Board of Trustees - September 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet
Tags: actuals and projections, Agenda, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, capital needs and projects, check register, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, department heads' report, election of board secretary, Finance and Properties, foundation meeting, Friends of the Library meeting, furniture budget, Illinois Heartland Library System, Minutes, monthly meeting, Narcan Box, open trustee's seat, operating revenue, other stats, Personnel Policy and Public Relations no meeting, proposal for marketing plan from DCC, reports, Revenue, Rick Meyer, September 2023
Board of Trustees - August 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet
Tags: actuals and projections, Agenda, August 2023, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, capital needs and projections, check register, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, division heads' reports, election of board secretary, Finance and Properties, Friends of the Library meeting date, friends of the library relocation, Illinois Heartland Library System, lost and found policy, management pay grade and benchmarking, Minutes, monthly meeting, open trustees seat, operating revenue, other stats, personnel policy and public relations, personnel update, reports, Revenue, Rick Meyer, volunteer policy
Board of Trustees - July 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet
Tags: actuals and projections, Agenda, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, capital needs and projects, check register, circ stats, City Librarian's Report, committee chair appointments, COVID leave expansion, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, department heads' reports, diversity equity and inclusion, election of board secretary, Finance and Properties, Friends of the Library meeting, friends of the library relocation, Illinois Heartland Library System, July 2023, Kiley Klein Law Firm, Minutes, monthly meeting, open trustees seat, operating revenue, other stats, personnel policy and public relations, personnel update, reports, Revenue, Rick Meyer, security camera policy, viewpoint project
Board of Trustees - June 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - reports - packet
Tags: actuals and projections, Agenda, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, capital needs and projects, check register, circulation stats, City Librarian's job description, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, department heads' reports, diversity equity and inclusion, Finance and Properties, friends of the library meeting time, friends of the library relocations, Illinois Heartland Library System, invoices, June 2023, Minutes, monthly meeting, open trustees seat, operating revenue, other stats, Personnel Policies and Public Relations, personnel update, reports, Rick Meyer, strategic plan
Board of Trustees - May 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - minutes - reports - packet
Tags: actuals and projections, Agenda, Board of Trustees, capital needs and projects, check register, City Librarian's job description, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, department heads' reports, draft, Finance and Properties, Friends of the Library, friends of the library relocation, Illinois Heartland Library System, May 2023, Minutes, monthly meeting, open trustees seat, personnel properties and public relations, personnel update, reports, Revenue, Rick Meyer, s diversity equity and inclusion, staff survey on security, strategic plan, viewpoint project
Board of Trustees - April 2023 - monthly meeting - agenda - minutes - reports - packet
Tags: Agenda, April 2023, balance sheet reconciliations, Board of Trustees, Budget Report, capital needs and projects, check register, circulation stats, City Librarian's Report, credit card policy, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, department heads' reports, emergency response plan, Finance and Properties, Friends of the Library, friends of the library liaison assignment, friends of the library relocation, grant opportunity, Illinois Heartland Library System, March actuals and projections, Minutes, monthly meeting, open trustees seat, reports, Rick Meyer, security officers hours, strategic plan, vendor's expenditures, viewpoint project