Browse Items (2 total)
- Tags: Decatur Camera Club
Bob Strongman's Oral History
Tags: 35 ml film projector, aerial photography, algebra class, Assistant Boys Secretary, Assistant Sales Manager, background check, Betty Turnell, Bill Summer, boat races, Bob Hope's State Fair trip, Bob Strongman, Bread Salesman, Buckmeisters Grocery Store, changes at the Herald & Review, changes to photography, childhood, Coal Mines, Decatur Camera Club, Decatur Herald & Review, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, disasters, E.J. Muffley, Enterprise School District, freelance work, Governor Ogilvie, grammar class, Great Depression, Gunhill Johnson Crippled Children's Room, Harry Truman, horse plow, ice skating, ice wagon, industrial photography, interview, Kennedy Campaign, Lee Pigott, Lincoln School, Marietta School, mid-year graduate, Model T pickup truck, N. Union St., neighborhood grocery stores, one room school, oral history, Parkview Motel, Pfile's Camera Shop, photography, Piggly-Wiggly, polio, Presidential Candidate Whistle Stops, press credentials, processing, Pugh School, recess, recitation bench, recording, retirement, Richard Nixon, Roosevelt Junior High School, Russell Shaffer, Russian Missile Crisis, snow sled, street hockey, student-built boats, swim therapy, Tasty Bread, Truman's visit to Decatur, Truman's Whistle Stop, Victor Borge, weddings, Wooden Shoe Fire, YMCA, YMCA Boys Department
Robert Walters' Oral History
Tags: 1985, 6" refractor, amateur astronomer, assignments, Astronomy Club, Betty Turnell, Big Creek, black and white photos, Blue Mound Fair, canvas, ceramics, color photos, Decatur Camera Club, Decatur IL, dog, Fall, First Methodist Church, Halley's Comet, honors, interview, jewelry, Judging, Katie, landscapes, Mr. Pfile, oils, oral history, painting, Pfile's Camera Shop, photo processing, photographs, pottery, realistic painting, recording, Robert Walters, Rock Springs Nature Center, seasons, streams, telescope, Winter, wood carving, World War II, YMCA