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- Tags: District of Columbia
League of Women Voters - Projects - Interview with Legislators - 1965
Tags: 1965, Another dimension of lobbying, Appropriations for federal grants, Code for summary of questionnaires, Congressional interviews chart, District of Columbia, Electoral college reform, Interview with Legislators, John Alsup interview, League of Women Voters, Plan for interviewees, projects, Report of congressional interview, Reporting the interview, Some do's and don'ts, Some timely issues for discussion with your senator or representative, Summary of replies, Things to do before the interviews, Trade legislation
League of Women Voters - Annual Report - 1968 to 1969
Tags: 1968 to 1969, annual report, Barbara M. Dumas, board recommendations, District of Columbia, electoral college, Foreign Policy, Human Resources, instructions, Janet Westenhaver, League of Women Voters, Local Program, Meet the Candidates Program, Membership, president, President's Annual Report, Public Relations, publications, Representative Government, state program, treasurer's report, Voters Services, Water resources
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - November 1967
Tags: Agenda, appointment of state legislatures, Barbara Tilley president, board meeting, December all members meeting, District of Columbia, Foreign Policy, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, League statement of integration, Loyalty and security, Minutes, Persis Hamilton secretary, program and action, School committee, Tax rates, treasurer's report, treaty making, water resource