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Photographs of President William Howard Taft.
Photographs of President Howard Taft. VS33: "William Howard Taft, far left, favored greeters with a fine sample of the famous Taft smile as he stepped off the train for his Decatur visit in 1911. And there in the crowd to record the event was…

Photograph of Mrs. A.R. Taylor
Photograph of Mrs. A.R. Taylor; died April 21st, 1938. Wife of Albert R. Taylor, first president of Millikin University. In this picture are, front left: Mrs. Mary E. Dyer, front right: Mrs. A.R. Taylor. In the back, left to right are: Mrs. Jemima…

Photograph of Dr. Albert R. Taylor.
Photograph of Dr. Albert R. Taylor. Born 10/16/1846; died 8/12/1929; married Minerva Dent, 1873. Education founder of Millikin University and president from 1901-1913 and from 1915-1919. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian church.

Photograph of Mrs. Minerva Albert R. Taylor
Photograph of Mrs. Minerva Albert R. Taylor Born 1849; d. 4/21/1938; married to Albert Taylor, 1873. Mr. Taylor was the first President of Millikin University.

Photographs of Friends of the Library Accomplishments and Presidents
Photographs of Friends of the Library accomplishments and a plaque honoring the Friends of the Library past presidents.

Photograph of 1310 W. Wood St.
Photograph of 1310 W. Wood St. This house was built in 1908 by Dr. A.R. Taylor, former president of Millikin University. In 1913 it was sold to the Kappa Delta Chi fraternity and later occupied by Sigma Alpha Epsilon when the two fraternities merged.…