Browse Items (10 total)
- Tags: regional meeting
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#40#41#42#43#44# - 1962
Tags: Action on U.N. and trade expansion, Annual Meeting, April 1962, Books for the mental health association, budget, bulletins, Calendar, Call for Action, Candidates' meeting, Con Con, continuing responsibilities, County Government, Decatur board, Deed Caterers, Downtown council approached by our Foreign Policy chairman, Emergency bus study, February 1962, Finance, Finance drive plans, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, Health services, International trade conference, January 1962, judicial amendment, Last words, League of Women Voters, local agenda, March 1962, May 1962, Membership, national convention, Newsletters, Nominating, orientation, Political parties, Public Relations, Public school workshop, publications, regional meeting, Report of budget committee 1962 to 1963, The great debate of 1962 our trade laws, unit meetings, United Nations, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#28#29#30#31 - 1960
Tags: Association of commerce coffee hour, Board of supervisors special meeting, bulletin, Calendar, Calendar for October, Constitutional Convention, County Government, County government workshops, December 1960, Deed Caterer, dues, elections laws, Envelope, Finance drive 1960, Foreign Policy, Foreign policy workshop, League of Women Voters, May 1960, Membership, new members, Newsletters, October 1960, Program conference in Chicago, publications, regional meeting, Revenue, September 1960, Summer coffee bulletin, Tentative programs for 1960-1961, The Decatur Distaff, The new board, The present board, This is Macon County, Voter's services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1988
Tags: Agenda, Agnita Dupree president, Alcohol and Drug abuse, Betty Melville secretary, board meeting, Election coverage, international supper, League of Women Voters, local leagues, Minutes, Palm Cards, recycling, regional meeting, reports, state convention, State of Political Action Policy, treasurer's report, yearly calendar
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - July 1988
Tags: Agenda, Andrea Bowen president, board meeting, calendar of events, candidates speak, Decatur Public Library, Dee Meyerson secretary, League of Women Voters, mental health task force, Minutes, National Issues Forum, Phonathon, publications, regional meeting, treasurer's report, Women of Excellence Dinner
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1976
Tags: Action, Agenda, announcements, board meeting, child care, election law consensus, Finance Drive, handgun control, League of Women Voters, member handbook, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Barb Brown President, Mrs. Beth Olsen secretary, political activity policy, President's Letter, President's training, Program, Public Relations, publications, regional meeting, state convention, summer meeting plans, treasurer's report, Voter services
League of Women Votes - Board Meeting - August and September 1964
Tags: "Hats off to Women Voters", Agenda, annual sessions, appointments, board meeting, Candidates meeting, child welfare, Finance Drive, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, Mrs. Wilson secretary, non-board appointments, portfolio assignments, PR, Programs, publications, regional meeting, Schools, sewer referendum, State Legislature, Summer Coffee, treasurers report, units, Voters Services, Water resources, yearbook