Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: United Nations
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#40#41#42#43#44# - 1962
Tags: Action on U.N. and trade expansion, Annual Meeting, April 1962, Books for the mental health association, budget, bulletins, Calendar, Call for Action, Candidates' meeting, Con Con, continuing responsibilities, County Government, Decatur board, Deed Caterers, Downtown council approached by our Foreign Policy chairman, Emergency bus study, February 1962, Finance, Finance drive plans, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, Health services, International trade conference, January 1962, judicial amendment, Last words, League of Women Voters, local agenda, March 1962, May 1962, Membership, national convention, Newsletters, Nominating, orientation, Political parties, Public Relations, Public school workshop, publications, regional meeting, Report of budget committee 1962 to 1963, The great debate of 1962 our trade laws, unit meetings, United Nations, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39 - 1961
Tags: Annual Meeting, annual reports, April 1961, budget, bulletins, by-laws, C.C.C.M.F., Calendar, Champaign county league meeting, County governments, Deed Caterers, election laws, elections, February 1961, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, January 1961, League lingo, League of Women Voters, League position since 1951, legislative school, local agenda, March 1961, May 1961, Meeting with Congressman Springer, Membership, National Program making, New arrivals, New year letter, Newsletters, Nominating, November 1961, Oakley dam project, orientation meeting, Politics of trade, program conference, proposed budget, Public Health, Public Relations, public transportation, publications, Revenue, September 1961, Special Meeting, state convention, Summer Coffee, This is Macon County booklets, Transportation study, Unit meetings con-con, United Nations, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - Projects - Consensus Project - Consensus Reports - 1964 to 1965
Tags: Action on Council Manager Retention, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Betty Bachrach, Consensus Projects, Consensus Reports, Finance Drive Report, Foreign economic policy, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, library, local programs, LWV Bulletin No. 59, Meet the Candidates, projects, United Nations, Urban renewal, Yearbook Additions
League of Women Voters - Local League Annual Report - 1966 to 1967
Tags: 1966 to 1967, Budget Committee Report, Finance Report, Foreign Policy, Human Resources, instructions, League of Women Voters, Local League Annual Report, Local Program, Membership, Monthly Summary Sheet, national continuing responsibilities, National Current Agenda - China, Public Relations, recommendations, state program, Support, The Decatur Voter, treasurer's report, United Nations, Voters Services, Water resources
League of Women Voters - Annual Report - 1963-1964
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - November 1965
Tags: Agenda, appointments consensus, County Nursing Home, Decatur voter, Finance Drive, human resourses, League of Women Voters, library, Meeting, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, Mrs. Langenberg secretary, November meeting, Other business, program revenue, Public Relations, publications, Schools, United Nations, units, Urban renewal, voters service, water resourses
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1965
Tags: Agenda, County Nursing Home, Decatur voter, District of Columbia Home Rule, Finance Drive, Foreign economic policy, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, Local agenda meeting, Meeting, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, Mrs. Langenberg secretary, nominating committee, Other business, Public Relations, publications, Revenue, treasurer's report, unit meetings, United Nations, Urban renewal, Votes service
League of Women Votes - Board Meeting - August 1962
League of Women Voters - October 1961 - board meeting
League of Women Voters - June 1953 - Board Meeting
Tags: board meeting, congratulation letter, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Equality of Employment Opportunity bill, Evelyn Mac Kay secretary, League of Women Voters, membership and orientation, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, Reciprocal Trade Agreement, rewrite by laws, sewer vote results, state house bill 861, treasurer's report, United Nations, welfare committee