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- Tags: Non-partisan policy
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League of Women Voters - Programs - League of Women Voters Week - 1964
This is the historical account of programs of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - Annual Meeting - May 1984
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois.
Tags: Agenda, Andrea Bowen president, announcements, appointments, Audit, Barbara Olsen secretary, board meeting, budget, by-laws, coalition, direction to board, League of Women Voters, League year in review, LWV training, Minutes, national convention, nominations and elections, Non-partisan policy, Organization, program presentations, reports, state LWV, treasurer's report, Voter, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - board meeting - June 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1978
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1977
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
Tags: Agenda, Betty Jacobsen secretary, board meeting, court monitoring, Finance, fundraising, Karen Jensen president, League of Women Voters, local calendar, membership recruitment, Minutes, Non-partisan policy, publications, regional workshops, school consensus, state calendar, treasurer's report, women's fair
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - May 1977
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - By Laws & Policies - Non Partisan Policy for the Board of Directors - 1980
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County