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Photo of Goodyear Store located at 411 E. William St., Decatur, IL.

BS1515-Goodyear building 1959-011.jpg
Photograph of the Goodyear Tire Store located at 411 E. William St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Goodrich Silvertown Stores Building

BS1512-Goodrich Silvertone Service Station at  Wood and  Union streets 1940s-401.jpg
Photograph of the Goodrich Silvertown Store located at 317 W. Wood and Union Streets., Decatur, IL.

Photos of People Touring the Firestone Tire Plant, Decatur, IL.

Photographs of Firestone Plant Interior and Visitors During Open House Tour 5/15/1977.

Photos of Employees Playing Softball.

Photographs of Firestone Softball Teams Industrial Engineering vs. Quality Assurance, Decatur, IL.