Browse Items (53 total)
- Tags: Recreation
Photos of the Herald and Review Baseball Teams
League of Women Voters - Project - Urban Renewal - 1957 to 1965
Tags: 1957, Air Service, Amusements and Recreation, Association of commerce of Decatur Illinois, Banks, brochure, Bus Service, Business indicators for Decatur, Capital expenditures 1955 to 1969, Census facts, Churches, climate, Communications, Cultural activities, Decatur's future, Economic developments, education, Electrical Power, Family income, Farm data, Federal reserve report, Financial institutions, Gas, government, Highways state and federal, Historical, Hospitals, Hotels and Motels, Housing, League of Women Voters, Location, Market data, Motor freight service, natural resources, Newspapers, parks, population, projects, Radio and Television, Railroads, Recreation, Religions cultural and social, Retail trade area, Retailers occupation tax, Sewers, Social Welfare, Soil and crops, State and federal offices, Streets and highways, Taxation, Telephone and telegraph, Transportation, Urban renewal, Urban renewal workshop fact sheet, Utilities, Water
Photo of A. E. Staley Baseball Team
League of Women Voters - Projects - Consensus Projects - County Jail - 1983
Tags: 1983, Alternatives, Alternatives to Incarceration, Background Support, Barbara Ohlsen, Cleanliness, Committee By-Laws, Committee Draft Notes, Community Corrections Act, Community Corrections Act HB 2726, Conclusions, Consensus Projects, Correctional Health Services, Correctional Industries, Correctional Officers, Counseling Services, County Jail Report Analysis of HB 2317, County Jail Survey, County Jail Survey completed, Criminal Justice Memo, Criminal Justice News, Data, Division of Responsibilities, Draft Summary, education, Female Commitments to IDOC, Florence Cox, Food Services, Health care, Highlights, IDOC, Inmate Grievance Procedure, Inspection Report, instructions, Karen McKinney, League of Women Voters, Length of Stay, LWV Bulletin 1984, Macon County Jail Review, Marg Coberly, Mary Coberly, McClean County Jail Watch Committee, McLean County Jail, Medical Services, mental health, Millie Protzman, Mission Statement, Periodic Imprisonment, Phones and Visits, Physical Facilities, Points to Make, Presentation of Report, Prison tour, projects, Public Defender Report on McClean County, Recreation, Social Services, Survey questions, Time for Action, Update on Criminal Justice Further
Photos of Ragsdale Roller Rink located in a tent. Ragsdale Roller Rink for later located at 480 E. North St.
Photos of Mueller Lodge and Surrounding Area.
Photos of Mueller Lodge and Surrounding Area.
Photos of Mueller Lodge and Grounds, 2050 S. Franklin St. Road, Decatur, IL.
Photos of the Tug of War Competition Held at Nelson Park, j7/4/1977.
Tags: 7/4/1977, BS1441, BS1442, BS1443, BS1444, BS1445, BS1446, BS1447, BS1448, Business, Competition, Decatur IL., Firestone, Manufacturing, Nelson Park, Recreation, Tug of War
Photos of the Tug of War Competition Held on 7/4/1977 at Nelson Park, Decatur, IL.
Tags: 7/4/1977, BS1431, BS1432, BS1433, BS1434, BS1435, BS1436, BS1437, BS1438, BS1439, BS1440, Business, Competition, Decatur IL., Firestone, Manufacturing, Nelson Park, Recreation, Tug of War