Browse Items (49 total)

  • Collection: Decatur in The Great War 1917-1918

Banquet given at S.A.T.C. mens hall for returned colored soldiers. 4/11/1919
WWI - Banquet for returned colored soldiers at the SATC (Student Army Training Corps) Hall, April 11, 1919.

Unknown Soldier with Unknown Man.
WWI - Unknown soldier with unknown man. c. 1918

S.A.T.C. Mens Hall Welcome Home Dinners
WWI - SATC (Student Army Training Corps) mens hall "Welcome Home Dinners", April 1919.

Photo of Armed Forces WWI; one of the reserve militia companies standing at attention with rifles
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Reserve Militia standing at attention with rifles

Photo of Officers of the James Millikin University Battalion standing at attention in front of the Liberal Arts Hall building
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Officers of the James Millikin University Battalion standing in front of the Liberal Arts Hall Building. For more information see "James Millikin University."

Photo of Macon County Soldiers at Wabash Depot, Decatur, IL.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County Soldiers at Wabash Depot; "The Last of the Volunteers". For more information see U. S. Recruiting Stations; p. 34.

Photo of Company "H", Illinois National Guards on return from Springfield, IL. standing at attention with duffel bags
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Co. H, Illinois National Guards, on return from Springfield, IL.