Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: Wabash Depot
Photo of the Wabash Depot.
Tags: BS2442, Business, Decatur IL., Depot, railroad, Travel, Wabash Cannon Ball, Wabash Depot, Wabash R.R.
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - Monroe St. to Wabash Yards (6/30/194?)
Tags: #8.003, 194?, 6/30/194?, additions, American Hominy Co., Assessor's subdivision, B.H. Carr's Addition, Barnett's Resurvey, Broadway St., businesses, Central Ave., Cerro Gordo St., Church St., Clerks Vision, collection, College St., County Subdivision J.F. Montgomery's Addition, Decatur IL, Durfee and King's Addition, Durfee Warren & Company's Addition, Edward St., Eldorado St., Erman Survey, Fearn & Bruce Subdivision, Front St., Gibb's Addition, H. Mueller Mfg Co., H.R. Durfee's Addition, Hammer's Resurvey, Henry Prather's Addition, Huff Bros. Resurvey, ICRR, ICRR depot, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal System, ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-133, ITS, ITS freight house, Jackson St., Joseph King's Addition, King St., lands, map, Maps, Martin and Gatzing's Addition, Maryland St., Mason St., Monroe St., Morgan St., Mueller Mfg Co. Resurvey, N. Main St., Northern Cross, Plant and Tuttle's Addition, Prather Addition, R.J. Oglesby's Addition, Railroad Map Collection, Reed & Co's Addition, S.K. Thompson Addition, Sangamon St., Schroll's subdivision, station map, stock yards, Streets, structures, Swearingan's Resurvey, Tracks, Union St., V.H. Park's Warehouse, W. Green St., Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash freight house, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Wabash YMCA, Wait * Company's Addition, Water St., Western Addition, Yards
Wabash Railway Station Map: Lands, Tracks and Structures - N. Monroe St to Wabash Yards (6/30/1919)
Tags: 1919, 6/30/1919, American Brick Hominy Co., Assessor's subdivision, Assessor's Subdivision of block 4, B.H. Carr's Addition, Barnett's Resurvey, Broadway St., Central Ave., Cerro Gordo St., Church St., Clerk's Vision, collection, College St., County Subdivision, Decatur IL, Durfee and King's Addition, Durfee Warren Company's Addition, E.B. Durfee's 1st Addition, Edward St., Eldorado St., Erman Survey, Fearn Bruce subdivision, Franklin St., Front St., G.J. Parke's Resurvey, Gibb's Addition, H. Mueller Mfg Co. Resurvey, H. Robinson's Addition, H.R. Durfee's Addition, Hammer's Resurvey, Henry Prather's Addition, Huff Bros. Lot 2 Resurvey, ICRR, ICRR depot, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Terminal System, ISHRAB-2017-25-105, ISHRAB-2017-25-106, ITS freight house, J.F. Montgomery's Addition, Jackson St., Joseph King's Addition, lands, map, Maps, Martin and Gatzing's Addition, Maryland St., Mason St., Monroe St., Morgan St., Mueller Mfg Co., N. Main St., N. Water St., Office of Chief Engineer, Plant and Tuttle's Addition, R.J. Oglesby's Addition, railroad, Railroad Map Collection, Reed & Co's Addition, S.K. Thompson's Addition, Sangamon St., Schroll's subdivision, station map, stock pens, structures, Swearingan's Resurvey, Tracks, Union St., V.H. Parks Warehouse, W. Green St., W. King St., Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Wabash YMCA, Wait & Company's Addition, Western Addition, Yards
Illinois Central Railroad Right of Way and Track Map - E. North St. to E. Harrison St. (12/31/1935)
Tags: #8.003, 12/31/1935, 1935, additions, Assessor's subdivision, Barber's subdivision, Becker Ave., Becker Place, Broadway St., Center St., Central Ave., Church Hill Addition, Clayton St., Clinton St., collection, Columbia Heights, Commissioner's Division, Condit St., Cushing St., D.F. Shelley's Addition, David Brett, Decatur IL, description, Division St., Dunham St., E. Cerro Gordo St., E. Eldorado St., E. North St., E.B. Quinlan 1st Addition, E.B. Quinlan 3rd Addition, E.B. Quinlan's 2nd Addition, E.O. Smith, Gaddis Addition, Garfield Ave., Graceland Ave., Grand Ave., Gulick St., H.A. Hayes et all, H.A. Wood's Addition, Handy's addition, Harrison St., Hay St., Herkimer St., Hickory St., Homestead Addition, Hunt St., Hunter's Addition, Huron St., I.C. Pugh's subdivision of estate, ICRR, ICRR depot, ICRR freight house, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-101, Jasper St., Kincaid's Addition, King St., Leafland Ave., Lesley subdivision, Locust St., M. Johnson's subdivision, M.C. Deck's Addition, map, Maple Ave., Maple St., Maps, Marietta St., Mason St., Mercer St., Montgomery Shull's 1st Addition, Montgomery Shull's 2nd Addition, Morgan St., N. Church St., N. College St., N. Edward St., N. Main St., N. Monroe St., N. Oakland Ave., N. Pine St., N. Union St., N. Water St., Northside Addition, Office of Assistant of Division Engineer, Olive St., Pleasant View, Prather subdivision, R.C. Augustine's Addition, railroad, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Richview, right of way, right of way and track map, Sangamon St., Short St., Smith Company's Addition, Stare's Addition, Staurt St. Division St., Stephen's Creek, stock pens, Streets, subdivisions, Taft St., Towl's Addition, Tracks, Traver's subdivision, Van Dyke St., View St., W. Cerro Gordo St., W. Eldorado St., W. Green St., W. King St., W. Marietta St., W. North St., W. Packard St., Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash freight house, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash Roundhouse, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Waggoner St., Walnut Grove, Whitchell St., Whitchell's Addition, Wilber St., William's Subdivision
Wabash Railway - Pipe and Sewer Lines (5/25/1920)
Tags: #8.003, 1920, 5/25/1920, blacksmith shop & boiler room, Chambers Bering & Quinlan Company, Charles St., coach paint shop, coach repair shop, collection, Decatur IL, Depot, dry kilning, ICRR depot, ISHRAB-2017-25-89, Jasper St., light repair shop, locomotive shop, Lowber St., Lumber Shed, machine & blacksmith shop, machine shop, map, Maps, new shop, Office of Chief Engineer, oil house, paint shop, pipe and sewer lines map, pipes, Planing Mill, Power House, railroad, Railroad Map Collection, reclamation plant, Roundhouse, Sangamon St., sewer lines, stock pens, storage shed, store house, Streets, tin & cabinet shop, transfer table, Wabash, Wabash Depot, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash Roundhouse, Wabash RR, Wabash yards, Wabash YMCA, wash building, wash house, Woodford St., yard office, Yards
Photo of Illinois Power & Light Co. Streetcar.
Industry - Wabash Depot - 780 E. Cerro Gordo
Tags: 1901-1977, 2099's Bechome Extinct, ads, articles, Bardford Cantrell, Cannonball, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Decatur Tribune, Dedication, description, diagram, drawing, EB Hitchock, ET Coleman, Herald and Review, History of Macon County, merger, Norfolk and Western, Otto Kyle, Past and Present in Decatur and Macon County, photo, rates, schedule, Story of Decatur, time card, timepieces, Wabash Centennial Program, Wabash Depot, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Station, watches, William Ennis