Browse Items (8382 total)

Photo of Pvt. James F. Wilmeth in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wilmeth, Pvt. James F., Article on back of photo; "Wilmeth with Marines; Pvt. James F. Wilmeth, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Wilmeth of 920 West Decatur street, is with the marines at an undisclosed base following his…

Photo of Paul E. Wilson in flight suit in front of airplane
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Paul E., Article on back of photo; "Paul E. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wilson, 976 North Monroe street, has returned to duty in the Pacific after spending a week with his parents. He has served in the navy…

Photo of Robert E. Wilson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Robert E., Article on back of photo; "Bob Wilson On Leave From Officers School; Robert E. Wilson, son of Dr. and Mrs. U. R. Wilson, of 2254 North Water street, has arrived home for a week's Christmas leave with his…

Photo of Lt. S. Everett Wilson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Lt. S. Everett; Article on back of photo; "After a year in the Pacific war theater, Lieut. S. Everett Wilson of the navy; former Decatur attorney, has come home on leave with an optimistic view on the Jap war. He…

Photo of Wayne Wilson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Wayne; Article on back of photo; "Wilson Graduates; Wayne Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Roy Wilson, 619 West Forest avenue, has been graduated from the army air force pilot school at Pecos, Texas, according to…

Photo of Sgt. John J. Wirchak in flight uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Wirchak, Sgt. John J.; Article on back of photo; "Wirchak Graduates; Sgt. John J. Wirchak, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wirchak, 2009 Woodford street, recently graduated from aerial gunnery school at Harlingen army air field,…

Photo of Harold Wisher in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wisher, Harold; Article on back of photo; "The Japanese, although their strength is under-estimated, eventually will be defeated by China's tactics of guerrilla warfare. That is the opinion of Navy Pilot Harold Wisher, who…

Photo of Major and Mrs. Ralph Merrill Wismer, Major Wismer is in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wismer, Major Ralph Merrill; Article on back of photo; "Linda Jean Wismer, age 16 months, was an astonished young lady when she first met her father, Maj. Ralph M. Wismer, Friday evening. Major Wismer is back home after two…

Photo of three waves in front of barracks; Betty Marie Witts, center in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Witts, Betty Marie, center; Written on back of photo; "Local Wave Stationed In Hawaiian Islands. These three WAVES from Illinois have reported for duty in the Hawaiian Islands. They are, from left; Miss Norma Jean Treadway,…

Photo of Capt. Malcolm C. Witts in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Witts, Capt. Malcolm C., Article on back of photo; "Captain Witts Ends Leave; Capt. Malcolm C. Witts, was home recently on a 15-day leave from Drew Field, Fla. Captain Witts, the son of Mrs. W. A. Jordan, of 755 East Johns…