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Special Board of Trustees meeting - January 11, 2021 - Zoom - agenda - minutes
This is a special zoom meeting of the board of trustees in January 2021. Item discussed was pandemic service levels due to Covid 19.
MINUTES -May 2020
This is the agenda and minutes of BOARD OF TRUSTEES EMERGENCY MEETING
MINUTES - May 2020. Items discussed were approval of Pandemic response plan and other issues related to pandemic response.
MINUTES - May 2020. Items discussed were approval of Pandemic response plan and other issues related to pandemic response.
Special Called Meeting Board of Directors - January 2014 - agenda
This is the agenda of a special called meeting of the board of directors in January 2014. Items discussed in close session was the city librarian position and information from the library search committee.
Special Called meeting Board of Directors - February 2014 - agenda
This is the agenda of a special called meeting of the board of directors in February 2014. Item discussed was the hiring of the new city librarian as recommended by the library search committee, all done in close session.
Board of Directors - Special Meeting - March 2016 - agenda and minutes
These are the agenda and minutes of a special meeting of the board of directors in March 2016. Items discussed and reviewed were approval of sale/transfer of library campus to the city of Decatur, approval of lease between city of Decatur and Decatur…
Board of Directors Special Meeting - December 2016 - minutes
This are the minutes of a special meeting of the board of directors in December 2016. Items discussed were RFID quote, book mobile disposition in close session
Special Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees - April 2017 - agenda
This is the agenda of a special called meeting of the board of directors in April 2017. Items discussed were the approval of the amended collective bargaining agreement between the Council 31, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Local 268, city of Decatur, Decatur…
Special meeting of the Finance and Properties Committee - agenda and minutes - May 2015
These are the minutes and agenda of a special called meeting of the Finance and Properties committee. At this meeting the transfer of the library building to the Decatur Public Building Commission was approved.
Special Called Meeting - Board of Directors - June 2015 - agenda
This is the agenda for the special called meeting of the Board of Directors in June 2015. Items discussed was the revision to the lease agreement involving the Decatur Public Commission of Macon County
Special Called Meeting - Board of Directors - May 2013
This is the agenda of a special called meeting of the board of directors in May 2013. Items discussed were AFSCME Council 31, library and city relationships, close session, budget items, employment matters