Browse Items (39 total)
- Tags: Special Meeting
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39 - 1961
Tags: Annual Meeting, annual reports, April 1961, budget, bulletins, by-laws, C.C.C.M.F., Calendar, Champaign county league meeting, County governments, Deed Caterers, election laws, elections, February 1961, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, January 1961, League lingo, League of Women Voters, League position since 1951, legislative school, local agenda, March 1961, May 1961, Meeting with Congressman Springer, Membership, National Program making, New arrivals, New year letter, Newsletters, Nominating, November 1961, Oakley dam project, orientation meeting, Politics of trade, program conference, proposed budget, Public Health, Public Relations, public transportation, publications, Revenue, September 1961, Special Meeting, state convention, Summer Coffee, This is Macon County booklets, Transportation study, Unit meetings con-con, United Nations, Voters Services
Special Meeting - Board of Trustees - March 2023
League of Women Voters - Special Meeting - Board Meeting - October 1968
Tags: Agenda, announcements, board meeting, Decatur voter, Finance, Finance Drive, Foreign Policy, Human Resources, Illinois school program, Janet Westenhaver president, League of Women Voters, Mary Jane Hippler secretary, Membership, Minutes, nominating committee, Plan #19, Program, Special Meeting, treasurer's report, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Monthly Board Meeting and Special Meeting - April 1965
Tags: board meeting, bulletin, by-law change, Candidates meeting, consensus, Council-Manager advertisement, Decatur League, Dee Meyerson secretary, Foreign economic policy, League of Women Voters, library, local program for 1965-1966, Membership, Millikin Women, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, Patricia Turner secretary, Public Relations, publications, reimbursement policy, school board referendum, Special Meeting, state convention, state program, The Bulletin, treasurer's report, unit meetings, upcoming meetings, Urban renewal
League of Women Voters - March Meetings- 1963
Tags: Agenda, Annual Meeting, board meeting, by-laws, Circulation editor, convention, CR Chairmen, flyers, Foreign Policy, Get-out-the-vote, ideas for next year, international booklet, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Bachrach president, Mrs. Doubleday secretary, Mrs. Meyerson secretary, Park Board Elections, PR, program coordinator, publications, reorganization committee, school study, secretary, Special Meeting, State Conventions, Time for Action, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - September Board Meeting - Early special October meeting - 1962
Tags: Association of Commerce course, board meeting, Candidates interviews, council-management workshop, Finance Drive, health unit, judicial amendment, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Bachrach president, Mrs. Meyerson secretary, school study, Special Meeting, treasurer's report, WDZ
Special Meeting Board of Trustees - December 2022 - packet
League of Women Voters - September 1953 - Board Meeting and Special Meeting
Tags: board meeting, Civil Liberties meeting, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, equality of employment, Evelyn MacKay secretary, Finance Drive, League of Women Voters, local projects, Minutes, morning and evening meetings, Mrs. John Donovan president, questionnaire, school board referendum, Sen. Elbert, September luncheon, Special Meeting, state board, study programs advertised, treasurer's report, voter's services only
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - April 1948
Tags: AAUW, April 1948, April league activities, Art Institute Chicago, board meeting, by laws, Candidates meeting, contributing membership, County Health Unit, Critical School Problems of Immediate Concern, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Education committee, GIO Committee, Illiopolis Domestic Science club, League of Women Voters, Lyla Melrose, May 1948, May board meeting, May League Activities, membership meeting, Minutes, Miss Caci, national convention, National Republican Convention Model, School Board, Special Meeting, Summer League Activities
Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting - November 2021 - agenda, packet, policies, minutes
Tags: 2022 holiday schedule, Agenda, Board of Trustees, budget, budget review, capital funds, check register, circulations policy, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DeEtta Jones contract, division heads reports, electronic sign, Finance and Properties, Foundation, friends, Friends Relocation, HR Source management evaluation project, Illinois Heartland Library System, Minutes, November 2021, packet, personal update, personnel policy and public relations, remote work policy, Revenue, Rick Meyer, Special Meeting, strategic plan, work related travel