Browse Items (8564 total)

Finance and Properties Committee zoom meeting - February 2021 - agenda and packet

These are the agenda and packet of the finance and properties committee zoom meeting in February 2021. Items discussed and acted upon were the capital needs report, check register, budget report, and authority to spend requested by city librarian.

Finance and Properties committee zoom meeting - January 2021 - agenda and packet

These are the agenda and packet of the Finance and Properties committee zoom meeting in January 2021. Items discussed and acted upon were capital needs report, check register, budget report, 2021 meeting schedule

Finance and Properties Committee Zoom Meeting - June 2020 - agenda, minutes, packet

These are the agenda, minutes, and packet of the Finance and Properties committee Zoom meeting in June 2020. Items discussed, acted upon or deferred were capital needs, space plan, check register, budget report, budget projections, and phase…

Finance and Properties Committee Zoom Meeting - September 2020 - agenda and packet

These are the agenda and packet of the Finance and Properties committee zoom meeting in September 2020. Items discussed and acted upon were capital needs, check register, budget report, budget projections, budget planning.

Finance and Properties Committees Meeting - September 1983 - minutes

These are the minutes of the finance and properties meeting in September 1983. Items discussed were job stimulus construction grant, RPLS, nine conditions, time frame, pre capita grant, computerization of circulation, amplify collection, Measures of…

Finance and Properties Correspondence - December 1982

This is a letter from RPLS to DPL's finance and properties committee informing them of the projected budget for 1983. There will be a drastic deficit. Project monetary support will be discontinued to the library as well as to the DPL cataloger's…

Finance and Properties Meeting - December 2019 - agenda, minutes, and board packet

These are the minutes, agenda, and board packet of the Finance and Property committee in December 2019. Items discussed and reviewed were parking lot update including lights installed, capital needs, check register, 2019 budget and projections,…

Finance and Properties Meeting - April 2013

These are the minutes of the Finance and Properties Committee meeting in April 2013. Items discussed were financial reports, fiber optics, stained glass hanging, Annex, budget evaluation, city relationship, tax levy, trust funds, fines, Amnesty…

Finance and Properties meeting - April 2014 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in April 2014. Items discussed and reviewed were check register, budget, budget update, employee raises in close session, city finance meeting, library space update,…

Finance and Properties Meeting - April 2015 - agenda

This is the agenda for the April 2015 meeting of the Finance and Properties committee. Items discussed were check register, budget review, Decatur Public Building commission of Macon County, trust fund budget, management salary scale, Friends of the…