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  • Tags: Parking Lot

Photos of Tolly's Market on Route 48, N. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of Tolly's Market 1355 N. State Rt. 48 (Oakland Ave.) parking lot. Aerial photograph of Tolly's Market. Photograph of Tolly's Bulletin Board. Photograph of a couple shopping at Tolly's Market. Photograph of Tolly's Baseball Team.

Photographs of Decatur High School 1961 and 1969
Photographs of Decatur High School Building and Parking Lot Across the Street. Aerial view of the school and surround area taken in 1961.

Board of Directors - July 2012 - agenda and minutes

These are the particle agenda and minutes of the board of directors in July 2012. Items discussed were city librarian's report, parking lot, Celebration, ADM funding opportunity, PNG group, Hardy and Whinnery funding, personnel policy and public…

Finance and Properties committee meeting - June 2012 - agenda and minutes

These are the agenda and minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in June 2012. Items discussed were budget, check register, bookmobile update, long range planning, Millikin survey, parking lot

Finance and Properties committee meeting - February 2012 - agenda and minutes

These are the agenda and minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting in February 2012. Items discussed were financial reports, budget, check register, close session, litigation, parking lot, IHLS, union contract, per capita grant

Finance and Properties meeting - June 2014, agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the finance and properties committee meeting in June 2104. Items discussed were check register, budget review, budget revision, space consultant, library contracts, strategic plan, local history room project front…

Finance and Properties committee meeting - September 2018 - agenda

This is the agenda of the finance and properties committee meeting in September 2018. Items discussed were check register, budget review, 2019 budget, parking lot, annex