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Financial Report - September 2013

This is the financial report for September 2013. Items listed were revenue additions, expenses, operating expenses, annex, personnel services, real estate taxes, state grants, state replacement taxes, fines and fees, lost and damaged books, copiesā€¦

Financial Reports - 2011

These are the financial reports for 2011. Monthly included are April, August, February, January, July, June, March, November, October, and September. Topics included are original approp, revised budget, YTD actual, MTD actual, encumbered, availableā€¦

Financial Statement - 2011-2013

This is the financial statement of 2011-2013 for the Decatur Public Library. It contains information on the library funds revenue and expenses including trust funds, library annex, operating cost, and personnel.

Financial Statements and Supplementary Data - April 30, 1971

This is the financial statements and supplementary data report for the fiscal year of 1970/1971. The report was prepared by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.

Fire Alarm Service and Diagnoses Email January 2011. Proposal for cost and labor.

This is the email proposal from Dale Johnson of the cost and labor for the fire alarm service and diagnoses from D. M. Mattson, INC. January 2011.

Firefighters Practicing Falls
Firefighters practicing catching falling civilians taken in the early 1900's.

First YMCA Basketball Team 1907-1908
Negative of the first YMCA basketball team (1907-1908). The photo was taken by Studio International, and published by Decatur Daily Review.