Browse Items (8626 total)

Email concerning publication of Library Contract on City Web Site. February 2011.

This is an email from Jerd Morstattler from the city of Decatur asking if the library contract could be posted on the city web site. The AFSCME, Fire, and Police contracts are posted. February 2011

Charles J. Schuster
Photograph of Charles J. Schuster, Secretary and Treasurer of the A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. in Baltimore, MD.

Thank You Letter - November 15, 1994

This is a thank you note from Jean Long at Holy Family School thanking Joann for the tour and time her history class had at the Decatur Public Library.

University of Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance Center - September 2011

This is a revised preliminary list of energy cost reduction measures and analysis energy usage for the Decatur Public Library done by the University of Illinois and their smart energy design assistance center. September 2011

Finance and Properties Committee - Meeting - Minutes - February 1987

These are the minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in February 1987. Items discussed were the proposed budget for 1987-1988, increases, salary, projected revenue, projected expenditures, endowments, and vacant positions.

Meeting Notice for Committees - January 1987

This is a notice stating the times, date, location, and topics of the following committees in January 1987: finance and properties, personnel policy and public relations, and evaluation committee.

Notice of Committee Meetings - April 1987

This is a notice of the evaluation committee and the board of trustees meetings in April 1987. Time, Date, Location and Topic are listed by James Seidl