Browse Items (8634 total)
Board of Directors Meeting - January 19, 1978
Board of Directors Meeting - March 16, 1978
Tags: 1978, Agenda, amendments, Bil Larrick, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, budget, code of library policy, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, fiscal 1978/1979, flaws, I-beams, March 1978, Meeting, Minutes, pay scale, Robert Dumas, Salary Increase, Sick Leave, staff association, staff turnover survey, Steering Committee, visualtek machine
Board of Directors Meeting - August 17, 1978
Tags: 1978, Agenda, assistant city librarian, August 1978, bids, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, Christmas in September, Club Month, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Libraries, government depository collection, Meeting, Minutes, Mr. Puricelli, Nooners, Programs, Robert F. Plotzke, Rolling Prairie Libraries, Schumacher Trailer and Body Co. Inc., trailer, Young Adult-AV picture file
Board of Directors Meeting - December 21, 1978
Tags: 1978, Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, borrower cards, City of Decatur, Civil Service Commission, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1978, exempt, fee for lookup, LC proof sheets, Meeting, Minutes, November at Noon program, professional librarians, Robert Dumas, trailer
Board of Directors Meeting - July 20, 1978
Tags: 1978, Agenda, appointment letters, bids, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Board President, bookmobile trailer, City Clerk, City of Decatur, Dean Holcomb, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, EBSCO, Instructor Subscription Agency, Joseph Babicki, July 1978, letter, libel suit, Linda Humphreys Madding, Meeting, Minutes, Mr. Puricelli, periodical bid list, Personnel Workshop, Phyllis E. Grotjan, Robert Borchers, Robert Dumas, Schumacher Trailer and Body Co. Inc., Trustee Workshop, visualtek machine, William Grieve
Board of Directors Meeting - June 15, 1978
Combined Annual Meeting for 1977/1978 and Monthly Meeting for May 1978 - May 18, 1978
Tags: 1978, Abortion and Social Justice, Agenda, Annual Meeting, Annual Report of the Board of Directors, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Financial report, fiscal 1977/1978, Illinois Public Library Annual Report, IPLAR, May 1978, Meeting, Minutes, portable terminal computer, Right to Life Movement, Robert Dumas, Statistical Report
Board of Directors Meeting - November 16, 1978
Tags: 1978, Agenda, Article, Audit, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile trailer build, Chicago IL, Children's Story Room, Civil Service, Club Month, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, exemption, Financial report, fiscal 1977/1978, Graves Moody & Co, ILA conference, J.J. Swartz Co., letter, library legislation, Meeting, Minutes, Mr. Hippenhammer, Mr. Klingaman, Mr. Puricelli, Mr. Seidl, November 1978, packet, per capita grant funds legislation, permanent part-time employees, Personnel Policy Code, professional staff, report of examination, Representative Dunn, Representative Tipsword, Robert Dumas, School Library Journal, service recognition pay, SLJ, sound-proof door, Statistical Report, White House Committee
Board of Directors Meeting - October 19, 1978
Tags: 1978, AACR2, Agenda, Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Anne Condon, application, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Children's Book Week, city manager, Civil Service Commission, DAAC, Decatur Area Arts Council, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, exemption, Fall/Winter bookmobile schedule, Financial report, Grants, Meeting, metered parking, Minutes, Mr. England, Mrs. Lukasik, Neighborhood Arts Program, October 1978, packet, professional librarians, radio quiz show, Reception, Resignations, Robert Dumas, senior citizen art exhibit, State Street, Statistical Report, The Decatur Public Library and Measures of Quality, The Prairie News, Traffic and Parking Commission, WDZ
Board of Directors Meeting - September 21, 1978
Tags: 1978, Agenda, AV collection statistics, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile trailer, Children's Librarian, City Council, CLSI, complaints, computer terminal, Dead Klingaman, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Financial report, Franklin St. parking lot, Klingaman Resolution, letter, Library's repair and maintenance assessment, Meeting, Minutes, Mr. Hippenhammer, overspent, packet, Resolution, Robert Dumas, Schumacher Company, September 1978, staff grievance, Statistical Report, temporary salaries, Walter Winshall, workable light pen, working cash fund