Browse Items (8646 total)

Photo of Fred Leach in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Leach, Fred; Article on back of photo; "Fred Leach knows whereof he speaks. He saw those marines fight and die in the hell of Iwo Jima, and he shipped back to the States with those who were sent back for hospitalization.…

Photo of Fred Hayes in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hayes, Fred; Article on back of photo; "Fred Hays, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hays of 2116 North Church Street, recently was promoted to the rank of staff sergeant in the U. S. Army Air corps. Sergeant Hays, who enlisted…

Photo of Franklin Mall on 304 S. Franklin St., Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of the Franklin Mall Building interior and exterior, located at 304 S. Franklin.

Photo of Franklin Frazee in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Frazee, Franklin, 3/6/1943. Article on back of photo: "Franklin Frazee recently returned to Great Lakes Naval Training station, after spending a nine-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Frazee, 711 North…

Photo of Frank, George, H. and Will Post
Photograph of (left to right) Frank, George, H. and Will Post standing in front of their store on the corner of Merchant Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Frank Taylor in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Taylor, Frank C., Article on back of photo; "Parachutist, Sgt. Frank C. Taylor is now a member of the 508th parachute infantry, in combat training at Camp Mackall, N. C. His wife lives at 249 Est avenue. He joined the army…

Photo of Frank Ruperts Sporting Goods Store Front.

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Photograph of Frank Rupert's Sporting Goods Store Front located at 500 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Frank Eugene Knierim in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Knierim, Seaman 2nd class Frank Eugene; Article on back of photo; "In Florida, Frank Eugene Knierim, seaman second class has completed his boot training at Great Lakes training station. After spending a nine-day leave with…

Photo of Frank E. Nichols in uniform sitting on lawn
Herald and Review Library: Nichols, Frank E.; Article on back of photo; "Nichols in Washington; Frank E. Nichols, gunners mate third class, recently spent a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nichols, 1518 North Morgan street. He had…

Photo of Francis Harold Thompson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Thompson, Cpl. Francis H., Article on back of photo; "Francis H. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Thompson, 1102 East Marietta street, has been promoted to corporal at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Corporal Thompson entered…