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Photo of White Front Grocery & Market Interior

Photograph of the White Front Grocery and Market interior. Grocery was located at 539 N. Water St., and owned by John S. Dey.

Photo of Haikalis Market corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of the Haikalis Market Building located on the corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.

Photo of E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery

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Photograph of the interior of E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery Store located at 774 W. Green St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Dreschel's Good Food Market

Photograph of Dreschel's Good Food Market located at E. 1368 Orchard St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of A & P Grocery Store

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Photograph of the A & P Grocery Store located on W. Eldorado Street, Decatur, IL.

Photograph of Farmer's Market 1911
Public market of 1911-1913. Decatur housewives used to go to the east side of Central Park for direct-from-the-farm produce. This picture was taken in November of 1911 and not an auto truck in sight.