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Wilson Bros. Royal Blue Store

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Photograph of Wilson Bros. Royal Blue Store, located at 1768 E. Main St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of White Front Grocery & Market Interior

Photograph of the White Front Grocery and Market interior. Grocery was located at 539 N. Water St., and owned by John S. Dey.

Photos of Tolly's Market on Route 48, N. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of Tolly's Market 1355 N. State Rt. 48 (Oakland Ave.) parking lot. Aerial photograph of Tolly's Market. Photograph of Tolly's Bulletin Board. Photograph of a couple shopping at Tolly's Market. Photograph of Tolly's Baseball Team.

Photo of Peter's Super Mart Building

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Photograph of Peter's Super Mart located at 553 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL. "1939: A food show and open house will feature the formal opening of Peter's Super Food Mart, 553 W. Wood St. William Peter is owner and manager. The store has seven employees.…

Photo of George G. Mochel Meat Market.

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Photograph of George G. Mochel and employees behind the meat counter.

Photo of IGA Foodliner Building.

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Photograph of the IGA Foodliner located at 437 N. Broadway, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Haikalis Market corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.

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Photograph of the Haikalis Market Building located on the corner of Jasper and E. Sangamon Streets, Decatur, IL.