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League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1978
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1980
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Barbara Brown president, board meeting, child welfare, council of community services, crossroad 80, Junior court watchers, League of Women Voters, Mary Coberly secretary, Membership, Minutes, orientation, Program, proposed calendar, reports, September regionals, September workshop, single member districts, treasurer's report, Voter
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1981
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1982
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois.
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1983
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois.
Tags: Agenda, Andrea Bowen president, announcements, board meeting, Dee Meyerson secretary, dues notices Action Packed Politics, Finance Drive, Finance Report, Human Resources Committee, jail watch committee, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Program, publications, reports, treasurer's report, Voter
League of Women Voters - Board meeting - August 1984
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois.
League of Women Voters - board meeting - August 1985
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1986
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1988
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois.
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - August 1989
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters of Macon County in Decatur Illinois