Browse Items (38 total)
- Tags: Communications
League of Women Voters - Project - Urban Renewal - 1957 to 1965
Tags: 1957, Air Service, Amusements and Recreation, Association of commerce of Decatur Illinois, Banks, brochure, Bus Service, Business indicators for Decatur, Capital expenditures 1955 to 1969, Census facts, Churches, climate, Communications, Cultural activities, Decatur's future, Economic developments, education, Electrical Power, Family income, Farm data, Federal reserve report, Financial institutions, Gas, government, Highways state and federal, Historical, Hospitals, Hotels and Motels, Housing, League of Women Voters, Location, Market data, Motor freight service, natural resources, Newspapers, parks, population, projects, Radio and Television, Railroads, Recreation, Religions cultural and social, Retail trade area, Retailers occupation tax, Sewers, Social Welfare, Soil and crops, State and federal offices, Streets and highways, Taxation, Telephone and telegraph, Transportation, Urban renewal, Urban renewal workshop fact sheet, Utilities, Water
Photos of People Working at a Teletype Machine.
Tags: 2/14/1938, 3/18/1935, 3/27/1939, BS2351, BS2352, BS2353, BS2354, Business, Communications, Decatur IL., employees, Teletype, Teletype Machine
Photos from unknown Telephone Co.
Tags: BS2349, BS2350, Business, Communications, Decatur IL., Switchboard, Telephone Co.
League of Women Voters - Projects - Bus Study - 1961
Tags: 1961, Bus Operations in the City of Decatur, bus study, Bus Transportation Workshop, Changing Operations, City Council, Communications, Decatur Bus Emergency Study, Decatur Public Schools, Future of Public Transportation Services in Decatur, Herald and Review article and pictures, History, League of Women Voters, LWV Report, Maps, Marilyn Tenney, Mass Transit Regulations, Mr. Devers, Mr. Westover, Progress Report on Problems of Mass Transportation, projects, Report Decatur School District, Rough Draft, School Bus Operations
League of Women Voters - Ad Hoc School Concerns Committee - June 1993
Tags: ad hoc committee, Administration Cost, Committee Findings, Committee Members, Communications, District's Financial Concerns, District's Financial Cuts, District's Financial Status, League of Women Voters, Local Revenue, Lottery Money, Questions and Answers, School Concerns, Statements, Tax Information, tax referendum, Teachers' Salaries
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1982
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1982
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - March 1982
League of Women Voters - December 1981 - Board Meeting
Tags: Agenda, annual meeting plans, board meeting, board members reports, Carol Campbell president, clean air act, Communications, consensus, Decatur Art Council, District #61, ERA, Finance Drive, Health care, historical society, League of Women Voters, Leslie Allen, May Monahan secretary, Minutes, national annual report, nominating committee, official's directory, state LWV, Teamsters union, treasurer's report, water study