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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 1984, Vol. lX - 1
Tags: ... And The Days Grow Short When You Reach September, Additions (Sink and Carpet) Subtractions (Racoons), Annual Financial Report, Decatur, Door Prize Rental, Homestead Board, Homestead Trees, Homesteaders (Volunteers), IL, Informational Historic Plaques, James Millikin Homestead, landscaping, Mary Ann Clark Photo, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Santa House, Sunday Brunch, Trip to Arlington (IL) Antique Show, YAAAY Team (Membership Drive)
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Mar 1984, Vol. Vlll -2 or Vlll-3
Tags: 1984-85 Slate of Officers, Annual Meeting, Decatur, Homestead Board, Homestead Christmas Successful, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Millikin Alumni Brunch, Millikin University: The First Thirty Years, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Rental Property Changes, South Parlor Fireplace Photo, Spring Membership Drive, Telephone Answering Machine, Victorian Tea, Wisconsin Christmas Tree Photo
"Jalopies on Parade" video
Tags: .mpg, 1943, Chicago Jalopy Plan, City Government, Decatur IL, Eugene Dunne, Jalopies on Parade, Jalopy, Junior Association of Commerce, old car, scrap, United States War Production Board, United Theatrical War Activities Committee, US War Production Board, VHS, video, Women's Auxiliary of the Junior Association of Commerce, World War II, WWII
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov 1983, Vol. Vlll-1 or Vol. Vlll-2
Tags: Brunches, Candlewick Quilt, Decatur, Free Rental Raffle, Homestead Board List, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Junior Welfare Contract, Look What We Lined Up For You, Membership form, Mrs. J.T. Whitley Memorial, Mrs. Millikin in Florida, Mrs. Millikin Letter, New Board Member - Bennett and Empen, Victorian Christmas Party
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep1984, Vol. Vll-4 or Vlll-l
Tags: 1895 Portrait of Anna Millikin, Christmas Boutique Plans, Decatur, Gazette Articles Accepted, Homestead Board Who's Who, Homestead Rentals, Homestead Wish List, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Membership, Membership form, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Mr. Millikin's Desk and Typewriter, New Sign, Restoration of Library and Bathroom, Scavenger Hunt Yields Surprising Millikin Finds, Victorian Brunch
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Apr 1983, Vol. Vll - 3
Tags: 1983-84 Board Slate, and the 1040..., Annual Meeting, Bell Pull to Close, Birks Sisters, Brigitta and Lucien Kapp, Champagne Brunch, Decatur, Docent Training, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Library and Downstairs Bathroom Renovation, List of Wishes, Membership Drive, Mr. Millikin's Desk, MU Birks Museum, Of Love, Open Houses, Philanthropy, Restoration Resume, The Wonders of Wedgwood
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Dec 1982, Vol VII-2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Apr 1982, Vol. Vl - 3
Tags: 1982-83 Board Slate, A Missionary for Counted Cross Stitch, American Association of University Women, Annual Meeting, Christmas Tea, Decatur, Ginnie Thompson Workshop, IL, James Millikin Homestead, John James Audubon Birds in Cross Stitch, Membership Drive, Mini-series, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin at Home, Mrs. Duane Loofbourrow, Period Washbasin, Reginald Neal, roof, The Dawn of Scientific Meteorology, Victorian Christmas Party, Victorian Lifestyles, Victorian Style Show, Volunteers Needed
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov 1981, Vol VI-2
Tags: Amenities, brochures, Cross Stitch/Needlepoint Awards, Decatur, Gazette, Homestead Membership., Homestead use, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Job Opportunities, Junior Welfare Appreciation Tea, McKay/Gilbert Marriage, Mrs. Millikin Trunk, Santa's List, Successful Harvest, The Bell Pull, Victorian Christmas Party, Victorian Fashion Show
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Mar 1981, Vol. V-3
Tags: "Local Color" Gifts, Amusing Decatur 1830 - 1915 Pastimes and Playtimes, Ann Seidman and Barbara Hicks retire, Annual Meeting, Architectural Detail, Bell Pull Store, Christmas tree, Decatur, Decatur Housing Authority, Graining and Marbling Film, Homestead Restoration Slide Presentation, Homestead Use Increases, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Membership Drive, Missing Breakfast Room Door, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin at Home, Mrs. Millikin's Trunk, MU Board of Trustees Visit, Needlework Contest, nominating committee, Ornamental Ironwork Film, Program Mini-series, Restoration Ahead of Schedule, Victorian Christmas Party, Victorian Customs and Decorating, Victorian Wallpaper, Visions of Sugarplums Cookbook, Volunteer Opportunities