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- Tags: 1981
League of Women Voters - Publications - Illinois Juvenile Court in Macon County - An Inside Look by Outsiders - 1981
Tags: 1981, An Inside Look by Outsiders, Court demeanor, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, How the monitors collected the data, How were respondents represented, Illinois Juvenile Court in Macon County, League of Women Voters, Macon County Background, publications, Recommendations of Illinois juvenile court watching project, Sampling of comments from monitors, Time spent in proceedings, What brought them to court, What Kinds of Hearing Were Observed, What the data say and does not say, What were the outcomes, Who came to court in Macon County, Why watch juvenile court in Macon County, Youth in secure custody before hearing
League of Women Voters - Statements - Handgun Control - 1981
League of Women Voters - Projects - Teamsters Union Officers Election Ballot Tallying - 1981
League of Women Voters - Projects - Small Claims Court Monitoring - 1981
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Juvenile Court Watching Project - Part 3 - 1981
Tags: 1981, Advocates, Analysis of Illinois Juvenile Court Act, Application of Public Funds and Liability of Parents, Background information sheet for monitoring site, Background of Services, Calendar, Case observation report sample, Case Sheet, Citizens view of the Juvenile court in Illinois, Daily Summary Sheet, Daily summary sheet sample, Disposition, Duties of area coordinators, Evaluation of facilities and personnel sample, Journalistic policy for the Illinois Juvenile court watching project, Jurisdiction Venue and Relationship to Criminal and Proceedings and Confinement with Adults and Records, Juvenile Court in Macon County: An Inside Look by Outsiders, League of Women Voters, List of courts observed 1977, Major State Agencies Serving Children, Monitor Profile, Needs and Issues of children who come before the court, newspaper articles, Notes, objectives, Obstacles, Petitions Summons and Adjudication, projects, Repealer and effective Date, Sample press release, Services and Personnel of the Court, State steering committee members, Statement of Purpose and Rights of Parties, Summary of state project recommendations, Temporary Custody Detention and Shelter Care, When citizen go to court: a report of Illinois Court Watching project 1976-1977, Where do they go after the Juvenile Court, Who Cares for Kids
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Juvenile Court Watching Project Part 2 - 1981
Tags: 1981, Are the Juvenile and Family Involved, Courtroom facilities, Does the Case go on too Long, Does the Court User really understand, Esteem and Prestige of the Juvenile court, Getting Help for the Juvenile and Family, Human Dilemma, Illinois Juvenile Court Watching Project, Illinois Juvenile court Watching Project: How it Got Started, Illinois Juvenile court: what the Monitors Said, Judge in the Courtroom, Juveniles in Secure Custody when Brought to the Hearing, League of Women Votes, Map of Monitored Counties, Members and Staff of Project Steering Committee, Out of the Shadows, projects, Quality of Representation for Juveniles and Families, recommendations, Repayment of costs by Families, Report Forms, Report forms and Computer, Scheduling of Cases, Thumbnail Sketch of Juvenile Court in Illinois, Total Time Spent on Proceedings, Were Respondents Represented by Public or Private Counsel, What about the Prosecution, What Brought Them to Court, What Kinds of Hearing Were Observed, What the Data Says and Does Not Say, What the Monitors Saw, What were the Outcomes of the Hearings, When court Reporters weren't Present, Where else to go, Who Came to Court, Who was with the Juvenile of the Adjudicatory Hearing, Why Did Citizens Watch Juvenile court