Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: recommendations
League of Women Voters - Projects - Water Quality and Quantity - 1980 to 1982
Tags: 1980 to 1982, Committee Report, Conclusions, correspondence, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Federal register, Future Water requirements, History of Dam and Lake, League of Women Voters, Long Creek proposal, newspaper articles, projects, purpose, recommendations, Rick Meyer, Search for Water, Selected aspects of water quality, Water Quality and Quantity, Water study consensus, Water system, Work Done
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Juvenile Court Watching Project Part 2 - 1981
Tags: 1981, Are the Juvenile and Family Involved, Courtroom facilities, Does the Case go on too Long, Does the Court User really understand, Esteem and Prestige of the Juvenile court, Getting Help for the Juvenile and Family, Human Dilemma, Illinois Juvenile Court Watching Project, Illinois Juvenile court Watching Project: How it Got Started, Illinois Juvenile court: what the Monitors Said, Judge in the Courtroom, Juveniles in Secure Custody when Brought to the Hearing, League of Women Votes, Map of Monitored Counties, Members and Staff of Project Steering Committee, Out of the Shadows, projects, Quality of Representation for Juveniles and Families, recommendations, Repayment of costs by Families, Report Forms, Report forms and Computer, Scheduling of Cases, Thumbnail Sketch of Juvenile Court in Illinois, Total Time Spent on Proceedings, Were Respondents Represented by Public or Private Counsel, What about the Prosecution, What Brought Them to Court, What Kinds of Hearing Were Observed, What the Data Says and Does Not Say, What the Monitors Saw, What were the Outcomes of the Hearings, When court Reporters weren't Present, Where else to go, Who Came to Court, Who was with the Juvenile of the Adjudicatory Hearing, Why Did Citizens Watch Juvenile court
League of Women Voters -Projects - Illinois Court Watching Project - Reports - 1974 to 1975
Tags: Accomplishments of the Project, Courts Observed, Daily Summary Sheet, Development of Project, Evaluation of Facilities and Personnel, How to Watch a Court, Identification of Problems in the Courts, Illinois Court Watching Project Reports to the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission, League of Women Voters, List of Courts Observed, List of State Steering Committee Members, Model, Monitor Profile, Profile of Individual Courtrooms, Project Summary, projects, recommendations, Report of the Dupage Court Watching Project, Summary of Local Project, Summary of State Project, Weekly Tabulation Form, When Citizens Go To Court
League of Women Voters - Local League Annual Report - 1966 to 1967
Tags: 1966 to 1967, Budget Committee Report, Finance Report, Foreign Policy, Human Resources, instructions, League of Women Voters, Local League Annual Report, Local Program, Membership, Monthly Summary Sheet, national continuing responsibilities, National Current Agenda - China, Public Relations, recommendations, state program, Support, The Decatur Voter, treasurer's report, United Nations, Voters Services, Water resources
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - September 1965
Tags: Agenda, appointments, coming meeting, Communications, community meeting, Decatur voter, League of Women Voters, Mary Langenberg secretary, Meeting, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, national program, Public Relations, publications, recommendations, resource committees, treasurer's report, unit meetings, voters service
Collection #59
Tags: 1853, 1874, 1874 Lithograph, 1941 Aerial Photographs, 2008, 2009, 29th Century Atlas of Macon County, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Archaeological Assessment, Architectural Assessment, Cabin Height, Cabin Size, Circa 1952-53. Rutledge Tavern, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur Kiwanis Club, Doors and Windows, Elevation, Exterior Wall Construction, Fever River Research, Fireplace and Chimney, floor plan, Flooring System, Floyd Mansberger, Foundation system, Gable End Wall Framing, General Character, Goose Nest Prairie, Harristown, Henry Mercer, Holmes and Hodgen 1865, IDNR, Il., Illinois, Illinois State Journal, Interior Finish, Investigation Techniques, James Whitley Farm Site, John Dipper, Lerna, Lincoln Farm, Lincoln Log Cabin, Lincoln Memorial Commission., Lincoln Memorial Drive, Lincoln Memorial Parkway, Log Construction, Mrs. Camren, National Park Service, New Salem, Outdoor Illinois 2009, P.T. Barnum, Paul Maynard, Plat Book of Macon County, project map, recommendations, Reconstruction Cabin, References Cited. Recording Form, Richmond, Roof Covering, Roof Structural System, Rural Macon County, Shobee Lithograph, soil units, Springfield, summary, Surrounding Landscape Features, survey, T. Graham Bradley, T.J. Scroggin, Thomas Shoaff, topography maps, W.D. Averitt, Warner and Beers 1874, Warnick Home, Webber Borchers, WPA
March 2010 - Committee Meeting - Agendas, Minutes, and Reports
Items discussed were city librarian's report, personnel policy and public relations, recommendations, finance and properties, bills, budget report, RPLS,…
Tags: agendas, bill, board of directors, Budget Report, check register, City Librarian's Report, correspondence, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DRA acquisition report, Finance and Properties, fines and fees proposal, Foundations, friends, Illinois Bar Association, LeeAnn Fisher, Lincoln Books, March 2010, meeting room policy and application, meetings, Microfilm Reader, Minutes, negotiations in close session, open meeting officer, personnel policy and public relations, PNG, recommendations, RPLS, Serving Our Public study
August 2010 - All Committee Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Reports
Tags: agendas, Annual book sale, August 2010, Baby Talk, Bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, board of trustees personal contact information, Budget Report, Celebration closing, check register, City Librarian's Report, close session employment/appointment, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, DRA acquisitions program, education coalition, Finance and Properties, fire door rating, Foundation, friends, leases, LeeAnn Fisher, local history room closure, Meeting Dates, meetings, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, PNG, Project Read, recommendations, reports, RPLS, Serving Our Public study, trustees' orientation
Board of Directors Meeting - September 2010- agenda
Tags: Agenda, Bills, board of directors, Budget Report, City Librarian's Report, close session, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, education coalition, employment/appointment matters, Finance and Properties, friends, Karen Bjorkman, leases, Meeting, personnel policy and public relations, Project Read, recommendations, RPLS, September 2010, Serving Our Public study