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Photos of the Wayne Theater Building Front

Photographs of the front of the Wayne Theater located at 1450 E. William St., Decatur, IL. "November 1945: The Wayne Theater, 1450 E. William St., is one of the first businesses financed by the G. I. Bill. Located around the corner is the American…

Photo of the Varsity Theater Building Front

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Photograph of the Varsity Theater building front located at 1100 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of Ragsdale Roller Rink located in a tent. Ragsdale Roller Rink for later located at 480 E. North St.

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Photographs of the tent that housed Ragsdale Roller Rink. Ragsdale Roller Rink was located later at 480 E. North St. In 1947 Harold Ragsdale sold the Roller Rink to J. H. Kaericher and the name was changed to Regal Roller Rink.

Photo of Old Opera House Interior.

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Photograph of man checking the interior of the Old Opera House basement.

Photo of Former Negro Dance Hall

Photograph of the former Negro Dance Hall building, located at 867 N. Calhoun St., two unknown men in photo.

Photo of Ferris Wheel and Riders

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Photograph of the Ferris Wheel with people riding and waiting.

Photo of Decatur Cocktail Lounge Building.

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Photograph of the Decatur Cocktail Lounge and Liquor Store located at 545 N. Water Street.

Mr. & Mrs. John K. Wells' Oral History

This is the oral history of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wells. They were interviewed by Betty Turnell on June 22, 1986. The interview includes their childhoods, and John's career in life insurance.

Photo of Triaon Dance Hall
Photograph of the Trianon Dance Hall located on South Jackson Street Decatur, IL. dated 10/13/1936. "Former Negro Dance Hall."