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  • Tags: Theatres

Photos of the Wayne Theater Building Front

Photographs of the front of the Wayne Theater located at 1450 E. William St., Decatur, IL. "November 1945: The Wayne Theater, 1450 E. William St., is one of the first businesses financed by the G. I. Bill. Located around the corner is the American…

Photo of Marie Meyer, Known as Pioneer Theater Organist in Decatur, IL.
Photograph of Marie Meyer; "b. 4/12/1887; d. 10/13/1955; daughter of George and Mary Housum Meyer; known as the pioneer theater organist in Decatur, starting with the old Bijou Theater in the early 1900's; organist of all theaters in Decatur during…

Photo of Faries Grand Theater
Photograph of Faries Grand Theater, located on 1036 E. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL. 1914

Photo of Decatur Municipal Theatre.

Photograph of the Decatur Municipal Theatre located on Rt. 51 South left by the waterworks.

Photo of Dan Higgins ParisTheater on 1234 E. Eldorado St., Decatur, IL.
Photograph of the Dan Higgins Theater located at 1234 E. Eldorado St. c. 1914.

Photos of the Ceiling Collapse at the Avon Theatre, 5/1/1950.
Photographs of the Collapsed Ceiling at the Avon Theatre on 5/1/1950.

Photos of the Alhambra Theatre taken in 1958
Photographs of the Alhambra Theatre Building and Marquee, Construction , Assistant Manager Charles Duncan.