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- Tags: Morehouse and Wells
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Mrs. Erma Wait Cook's Oral History
This is the oral history of Erma Wait Cook. She was interviewed by Betty Turnell on August 14, 1985. The interview covers her family's businesses in Decatur, and her childhood.
Tags: 1985, Anna B. Millikin Home, August 1985, Betty Turnell, changes to Decatur, childhood, Country Club, Decatur High School, Decatur Hotel and the Arcade, Decatur IL, Erma Wait Cook, fire, Interurban, interview, junior high school, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Millikin University, Morehouse and Wells, Mrs. George Cook, oral history, Packard automobile, recording, St. Nicholas Hotel, stage plays, streetcar, Transfer House, Travel, vaudeville, W. Main St., Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, Women's Club, Wood Street School
Photo of First National Bank at the first location.
Photograph of the first home of the First National Bank located on the second story room in the 100 Block N. Water Street over Young's Clothing Store. This was Peddecord and Burrows first place of business, as bankers. Photo taken after 8/22/1909,…