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- Tags: junior high school
Mrs. Will McKee's Oral History
Tags: Anna B. Millikin Home, automobiles, Betty Turnell, Bluebird, cassette tape, Decatur Drug, Decatur IL, junior high school, Lincoln Square Theatre, Linn and Scruggs Department Store, mp3, Mrs. Will McKee, Northwestern University, oral history, Orlando Hotel, pdf, Powers Block, Powers Building, Powers Grand Opera House, recording, sanitation, Teacher, The Banner Blue, Trains, tramps, Transportation, Wells College, White Wings
Robert H. Kramer's Oral History
Tags: 1982, Albert Spaulding, Argenta IL, Benny Goodman, Betty Turnell, big band music, Canada, Carol Lawrence, changes to music, Chicago Symphony, childhood, Cincinnati Symphony, clarinet, classical music, dance bands, Decatur IL, Decatur Municipal Band, Dick Coffeen, Doc Severinsen, interview, Jack Benny, junior high school, Kate Smith, Mattoon IL, Millikin Symphony, Millikin University, Monty Mountjoy, Mt. Zion IL, Murray College, music course, music teacher, National Symphony Orchestra, North Dakota, oral history, recording, Robert H. Kramer, September 1982, Symphony Guild, Taylorville IL, Thompson-Kramer Music, Tiny Hill band, travelling band
Mrs. Erma Wait Cook's Oral History
Tags: 1985, Anna B. Millikin Home, August 1985, Betty Turnell, changes to Decatur, childhood, Country Club, Decatur High School, Decatur Hotel and the Arcade, Decatur IL, Erma Wait Cook, fire, Interurban, interview, junior high school, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Millikin University, Morehouse and Wells, Mrs. George Cook, oral history, Packard automobile, recording, St. Nicholas Hotel, stage plays, streetcar, Transfer House, Travel, vaudeville, W. Main St., Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, Women's Club, Wood Street School