Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Transportation
League of Women Voters - Project - Urban Renewal - 1957 to 1965
Tags: 1957, Air Service, Amusements and Recreation, Association of commerce of Decatur Illinois, Banks, brochure, Bus Service, Business indicators for Decatur, Capital expenditures 1955 to 1969, Census facts, Churches, climate, Communications, Cultural activities, Decatur's future, Economic developments, education, Electrical Power, Family income, Farm data, Federal reserve report, Financial institutions, Gas, government, Highways state and federal, Historical, Hospitals, Hotels and Motels, Housing, League of Women Voters, Location, Market data, Motor freight service, natural resources, Newspapers, parks, population, projects, Radio and Television, Railroads, Recreation, Religions cultural and social, Retail trade area, Retailers occupation tax, Sewers, Social Welfare, Soil and crops, State and federal offices, Streets and highways, Taxation, Telephone and telegraph, Transportation, Urban renewal, Urban renewal workshop fact sheet, Utilities, Water
Photo of Two Men with Cushman Scooters at Scooterville.
Photo of Bus Drivers for the Decatur City Line.
League of Women Voters - June 1961 - board meeting
Photo of Bromley's Bus Service.
Tags: 1921, Bromley's Bus, BS831, Bus Service, Business, Decatur IL., Transportation
Mrs. Will McKee's Oral History
Tags: Anna B. Millikin Home, automobiles, Betty Turnell, Bluebird, cassette tape, Decatur Drug, Decatur IL, junior high school, Lincoln Square Theatre, Linn and Scruggs Department Store, mp3, Mrs. Will McKee, Northwestern University, oral history, Orlando Hotel, pdf, Powers Block, Powers Building, Powers Grand Opera House, recording, sanitation, Teacher, The Banner Blue, Trains, tramps, Transportation, Wells College, White Wings
Photographs of the Bookmobiles.
Photo Of Men on Motorcycles
Photo of Lt. Thomas W. Head in uniform
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., Transportation, World War II, WWII