Browse Items (8489 total)
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Education Project - 1984 to 1991
Tags: 1984 to 1991, Carnegie Report, Chicago Urban League, Committee Guide Phase I, Committee Guide Phase II, consensus questions, consensus report, Decatur Public Schools Letter, graphs, Guide to Education in Illinois, Holmes Group Report, Illinois Association of School boards, Illinois Education Project, Inequity in Illinois School Finance, League of Women Voters, memorandum, newspaper articles, Plain Talk about Tests, projects, Report Cards on Schools, School Report Card Brochure, What Price is Good Education in Illinois
Photos of A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co.
Miscellaneous Photo of the A. E. Staley Co.
League of Women Votes - Projects - Illinois Educations Project - 1984 to 1990 - Part Three
Tags: Committee Names, Committee Statement, Delivery of Educational Services, Education for A new Illinois, Education Profession, Financial Contributors, Funding the Recommendations, Illinois Project for School Reform, League of Women Voters, projects, Reconnecting People to their Schools, School/Business Partnerships, Standard and Curriculum
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Education Project- Part 2 - 1984 to 1990
Tags: 1984 to 1990, 5-year Legislative Review Activities and Services, Assessment Patios Adjustments, Board Budget session sheets, Board of Education memo, Exciting Learning Experience handout, Federal Expenditures sheet, First Day of School for your Child handout, Hints for Parents handout, House and Senate calendar, Illinois Education Project, Job Watch, League of Women Votes, Part Two, Per Pupil Expenditures sheet, projects, Revenue Distribution Recommendations, Schedule of Assessed Valuations, State Board Education Policy, Success in Kindergarten handout, Tax Analysis Resource Equalizer worksheet, Taxpayers Federation of Illinois article
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Court Watching Project - Steps for Committees - 1976
Tags: 1976, Announcing Project to Community, Develop Data Collection Forms, Distributing and Collecting Forms, Illinois Court Watching, Introducing the Project to Court Officials, League of Women Voters, Look and Plan before you Leap, Making Recommendations for Court Improvements, Negotiating with Court Officials, projects, Putting the Committee to Work, Recruiting Volunteers, Reporting to Your Community, Scheduling Monitors, Setting up the Committee, Steps for Committees, Tabulating Data, Training the Monitors
League of Women Voters -Projects - Illinois Court Watching Project - Reports - 1974 to 1975
Tags: Accomplishments of the Project, Courts Observed, Daily Summary Sheet, Development of Project, Evaluation of Facilities and Personnel, How to Watch a Court, Identification of Problems in the Courts, Illinois Court Watching Project Reports to the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission, League of Women Voters, List of Courts Observed, List of State Steering Committee Members, Model, Monitor Profile, Profile of Individual Courtrooms, Project Summary, projects, recommendations, Report of the Dupage Court Watching Project, Summary of Local Project, Summary of State Project, Weekly Tabulation Form, When Citizens Go To Court