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Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - May 1984 - minutes
These are the minutes of the finance and properties committee meeting in May 1984. Items discussed were proposed budget, tax levy ordinance request, stand a lone computer, circulation control, RPLS
Meeting Notice for Committees - January 1987
This is a notice stating the times, date, location, and topics of the following committees in January 1987: finance and properties, personnel policy and public relations, and evaluation committee.
Tags: book selection policy, date, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, evaluation committee, evaluation of city librarian in close session, exit interviews, Finance and Properties, grace period, James Seidl, January 1987, job description, Location, meeting notice, personnel policy and public relations, proposed budget, Time, topic
Proposed Budget Letter for Fiscal 1975/1976 - February 25, 1975
This is the letter that accompanied the proposed budget for 1975/1976 to the Mayor and City Council. In the letter, the Board asks for a 10% increase to the levy.
Special Board of Directors Meeting - March 1, 1974
This is the minutes and agenda for the special Board of Directors meeting on March 1, 1974. At this meeting, the Board discussed the proposed budget for fiscal year 1974/1975.