Browse Items (8609 total)
Financial Report - all months - 1994
Tags: 1994, April 1994, August 1994, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Breckenridge Trust, Bridges Trust, Cantoni Trust, capital outlay, commodities, contractual services, Decatur IL, Decatur Pubic Library, December 1994, February 1994, Finance Report, fines and fees, inter governmental revenue, investment income, January 1994, John Moorman, July 1994, June 1994, library capital, library capital expenditures, March 1994, May 1994, November 1994, other charges, other income, personal services, salaries and wages, September 1994, Taxes
Statistical Reports - Monthly - 1994
Tags: 1994, April 1994, August 1994, AV added, board of directors, Board of Trustees, books added, books mended, books withdrawn, circulation stats, computer down time, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1994, departments, February 1994, genre, January 1994, John Moorman, July 1994, June 1994, Locations, March 1994, May 1994, monthly reports, November 1994, October 1993, personnel, registered patrons, September 1994, statistical reports, Technical Services
Grant Application - June 1994
Draft Budget - January 1994
Tags: 1994, board of directors, Board of Trustees, capital funds, capital outlay, commodities, contractual services, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, draft budget, Expenditures, fines and fees, fund balance, intergovernmental revenue, inventory, investment revenue, January 1994, John Moorman, other charges, personal services, Revenue, Taxes
Library Funding - October 1994
Library Fee Schedule - March 1994
Management Salary Classification Schedule - January 1994
Management and Staff Personnel Policy - Decatur Public Library - 1994
Material Selection and Collection Development Policy December 1994
Tags: 1994, board of directors, Board of Trustees, clientele, Community, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 1994, evaluation criteria, Gifts, John Moorman, material selection and collection development policy, mission of library, reconsiderations, request, responsibility for selection, selection criteria, withdrawals